Bypassing the Need for and Avoiding the Risks of Covid-19 Vaccines The warp speed development of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine disregards the non-immunological anti-virus defense mechanism mediated by the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway was identified in studies on stealth adapted viruses. These viruses have deletions or mutations in the genes coding for the […]
Can Italy Attract Tourism Again in 2020 After the COVID-19 Outbreak? It has recently been exciting to experience Italy, to listen to the news reports and to hear Italians make plans for opening up their businesses in addition to mapping out their summer vacations. After having been at home so long, few would like to […]
Is Zinc Useful to Boost Immunity Against Covid-19? Immunity boosters like Zinc are in the news. Since people with weak immunity are more predisposed to various infections, it makes sense to boost your immunity, particularly if you are more prone to colds, coughs and flu. Zinc is an important micronutrient that research shows reduces the […]
COVID-19 Issues for ERISA Retirement Plan Sponsors Economic disruption in the first two quarters of 2020, combined with future business uncertainty about the COVID-19 pandemic, is prompting Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) retirement plan sponsors to review their pension plan management options. Industry sectors that have been particularly hard-hit by COVID include retail, hospitality, […]
Covid-19 – Can We Do More to Protect Ourselves? Covid-19 is a scary, unpredictable global pandemic. Some people recover, and some people – it fatally destroys the lungs. We have seen it is not just seniors and those with pre-existing medical conditions that succumb to the virus. Is there a possibility for this horrifying pandemic […]
How to Pivot Your Small Business Strategy During the COVID-19 Crisis Easy Ways to Create a Coronavirus Crisis Management Plan As small business owners, we’re prepared for a lot of things, whether it’s a seasonal shift in sales or an unexpected employee absence we have to step in and cover. But we’ve never seen anything […]
Amazing Similarities Between the Coronavirus Covid-19 and the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 The coronavirus pandemic has well and truly got our attention right now, and one word that keeps popping up is “unprecedented,” meaning that it’s uncharted territory to all concerned, which is true. However, my Dad was born in exactly the same circumstances, […]
Coronavirus COVID-19: Learn the Most Important Lesson for the Future The coronavirus pandemic managed to highlight two crises in parallel: a health crisis and an economic crisis. Please note that I am not suggesting that the pandemic caused these crises. Health was already in crisis and so was economy. The pandemic only served to expose […]
The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Out The Worst and Best of Humanity In the last couple of weeks, everything has changed. The life you once knew has taken an unimaginable turn. All you do now is stay at home and watch news of the pandemic pouring in from every possible corner. Mostly depressing ones, and […]
Covid-19 Email Responses to Use Now In my continuing blog series on how to handle the stalls, objections, and real-world situations in sales caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, below you’ll find some suggested email responses to situations you may be running into. Couple of things to remember about this challenging time: 1) Don’t pressure people […]