Lose the Lockdown Lovehandles Lockdown may have kept most of us safe from coronavirus but it’s not been easy being parted from our loved ones or our ‘normal’ lives. We’ve all had to adapt. No more socialising with family and friends. Working from home if we’ve still got jobs, home schooling children, only going out […]
Fatty Liver Complications – Important Facts to Remember The liver is one the most vital organs that support almost all other organs in the body. Primarily functioning for metabolism, other significant roles of the liver includes detoxification, protein synthesis, and biochemical production that especially aids during digestion through generating bile. At the moment, there is […]
I Meditate In The Sauna During a call that I had with Errol Campbell, he said that he hadn’t been able to use the sauna the day before due to a minor problem at the hotel nearby. He went on to say that he meditates when he uses the sauna. I thought that this was […]
What UNICEF is Doing to Help Children The United Nations Children’s Fund or UNICEF is an organization devoted to saving the lives and promoting the welfare of children worldwide. The organization has made strides in preventing disease, improving sanitation and education about health and hygiene practices. It has also worked to promote gender equality in […]
How Grapes Help You Achieve Gout Pain Relief Do you want relief from your terrible gout pain? Grapes can help you ease your painful symptoms when used in conjunction with other more commonly used remedies. They are a great part of an overall plan to improve your health which will in turn reduce the incidents […]
Do You Ever Switch Off? So much of our lives are ruled by time, with school, work, appointments, transport connections all needing to be turned up promptly for. Even when we’re looking forward to something like a run, a swim, a game of golf we may well be competing with others or trying to improve […]
The Last Fascist Dictator of Europe Fascism is a philosophy that is as old as history. It really means that when there is chaos in society then the government must take over with an Iron hand. This theory of Fascism comes down to modern times from the Roman era. In the 20th century when Europe […]
Alcohol Use Disorder According to the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, about 21.5 million adult Americans battle with substance use disorder. About 80% of those who are struggling with substance abuse disorder are abusing alcohol. Most don’t even see it as a problem, as alcohol use in America has been normalized and is […]
Considering Bankruptcy? How to Find Good Advice Filing for bankruptcy or considering other debt relief options is a complicated position for one to find themselves facing. With all of the bankruptcy advice out there, from the negative to the positive, individuals may be wondering who to turn to and which advice is pertinent to them […]