The Twelve Golden Principles of Selling – 2.0 Version Twelve months ago, I re-posted my “Twelve Golden Principles of Selling” – which received a fantastic response, and so I thought it timely to update these in the light of events this year. So, this in effect is the 2.0 version, including the original introduction – […]
Learn to Pick and Choose With Knowledge: Learn It, Believe Me, I Live It, My Friends Live It No, I’m not a doctor, and yes I can read what the doctors put out there. My motivation is to help you feel better through middle age and beyond. Everything doctors say is general, let’s get more […]
Cruising To Alaska From Vancouver? Three Secrets You Must Know 1.Arrive into Vancouver at least a day before your cruise sails. Of course I may be slightly biased, but Vancouver is going to be one of your top ports of call during this cruise. So often I’ve seen cruisers fly into Vancouver on the day […]
The Power of Taglines: Take My Tagline Test! An effective logo/tagline combination can be one of the best ways to successfully brand your business. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Do any of the phrases below ring a bell? See if you can identify which companies each of the following taglines […]
The Best Beaches in India The Indian peninsular’s coasts embrace the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean with a coastline of 7000km. It is then no wonder, this expansive landmass of diverse climates and landscape is home to multitude of beaches. While all pristine beaches are filled with glorious sun-baked sand, shimmering […]
Can Changes Be Made Once Insurance Been Purchased? The simple answer is YES. Clients can make changes once they purchase travel insurance. It is usual for insurance companies to allow their customers to make necessary changes after a successful buy. However, there are cases when some companies become selective in what details they allow for […]
Autoimmune Disorders, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Autoimmune Disorders Our environment contains literally thousands of pathogenic microorganisms such as: viruses, fungi, parasites and bacteria. Normally our body defense system can protect us from these by means of our immune response, but in the modern world, more and more often our systems get out of balance resulting […]
Majorca Food – Rich and Varied Vegetables Mallorca gives forth rich and tasty vegetables, like aubergines, potatoes and tomatoes, thanks to the island’s favourable climate and its rich soil. More than 1000 hectares of land on Mallorca are planted with a variety of different tomatoes. Tomates de ‘Ramallet’ are especially rich in pulp and can […]
The Howey Test (Otherwise Known As Why Private Money Investing Involves the SEC) Have you ever heard of the the ‘Howey’ test? If you want to raise money from private investors to fund real estate investments, you should know what the Howey test is and what it means to you. J. Howey was a Florida […]
How I Cleared a Food Aversion in 5 Minutes On a recent hot summer morning, my husband, Steve, offered me some ripe, ice-cold, cantaloupe. He said, “Too bad you don’t like cantaloupe. It doesn’t get any better than this one.” I remembered hearing about people clearing a food issue with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), so […]