Top 5 Rare Disorders Treated by a Neurologist The following 5 disorders are rare conditions that require treatment by a neurologist. Angelman Syndrome According to the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, one in 15,000 individuals is born with Angelman Syndrome. This rare neuro-genetic disorder affects everything from the ability to speak and communicate to stiff and jerky […]

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Global Stratification – Inequality Between Nations Our world population has increased significantly during the last 50 years. With the increase of the population the same happened with the problems which usually occur in our world. In this case I speak about the poverty. In my mind, it is one of the most serious problems in […]

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Collapsed Lung What is this Condition? Collapsed lung is an accumulation of air or gas between the membranes that enclose the lungs. The amount of air or gas that’s trapped determines the degree of lung collapse. In a tension pneumothorax, the air in the membranes is under higher pressure than air in the adjacent lung […]

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The Expectations of Online Shopping Online shopping is going to blast. Nowadays retailers are adding in-store pickup, offer free shipping and experiment with social media. It is getting difficult to say who is pure internet retailer and who are bricks and mortar shops with online portals. All of them are reformulating how we will shop […]

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Why Asbestos Testing Is So Important We hear about asbestos testing and wonder why it is so important? You will even find some writers and bloggers try to convince you there are no dangers related to asbestos exposure. But no matter how the data is spun or twisted danger exists and asbestos testing is very […]

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Lobelia Herb Treats Respiratory Problems and More Lobelia (officially lobelia inflata), alias Indian tobacco, was a common herb prescribed by early North American doctors. Its main use was in healing respiratory ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughs. The plant stem, which has only a few branches, is smooth above while the lower part […]

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Top 8 Business Branding Tips For Today 1. Be Transparent Even if you don’t want people to know who you are today, they’re going to find out if you become successful enough. Therefore, seek to build a brand that represents your true values that you’d be proud to represent. That way when things are discovered […]

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Do You Wind Down Before Bed? Sleep has long been an issue. Even before coronavirus 90% of adults said they didn’t get enough sleep and in 2018 a survey found that stress and sleep-related issues cost UK businesses £40 billion. 25% adults struggle with insomnia on a Sunday night, clearly demonstrating that concerns about the […]

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Five Common Illnesses in Newborns – Symptoms and Treatment Every new parent hopes that their child’s health will be free of all health complications, but a number of illnesses have been shown to afflict many newborns on a regular basis. This article will discuss five common illnesses in newborns, giving causes, symptoms and treatment options […]

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An Overlooked Cause of EU, UN and US Problems Needing a Biblical Solution Wisdom is looking at life from a biblical perspective. The European Union poster suggests their intent to rebuild the Tower of Babel culturally for Europe to become “one voice.” Genesis 11 shows the scattering of people with various languages to areas where […]

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