Having Candidiasis All My Life – Severe Mastoiditis, Skinny, Cradle Cap and Colic All the Time Someone I know is post-menopausal and she believes that she had had candidaisis all of her life. As a small baby, penicillin was brand new, and she was a very sickly baby with ear, kidney, throat, and other infections. […]

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Neemthe Organic Health Solution There is a dream in the world of medicine that some day a magic pill will be developed that will cure or prevent multiple health problems. But nature has already created a remarkable tree that does just that. The Neem tree, native to East India and cultivated in other parts of […]

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Material Safety Data Sheets Are Almost the Same As SDS Data sheets for chemicals provide vital information that helps people employed in the process flow to better understand associated hazards and take suitable precautions. It is the right of employees and people in the chain to have access to this information. These data sheets were […]

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The History of Anti-Aging Treatments Beauty has always been in the eye of the beholder. And youth, throughout the ages, has been considered the epitome of beauty. Young looking skin continues to be a huge market worth millions of pounds in the UK every year, as men and women look for new ways to fight […]

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Truth About Bronchitis – Symptoms And Treatment Explained Bronchitis is quite a known chronic disease. Here are some interesting & basic facts about this ailment. 1. This disease was quite common even in those days yet the developments in the medicinal field have seen now seen many alternatives to treat the said condition. 2. The […]

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Dining Etiquette Around the World One of the quickest relationship builders is to break bread with someone. Regional and ethnic cultures place high importance on relationship building around a meal. Understanding the proper etiquette can make this opportunity to form strong bonds with others highly successful. Not understanding can lead to irreparable harm. Here are […]

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What Is Thalassaemia? Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder caused by a genetic defect. The condition causes the body to produce abnormal haemoglobin in red blood cells, which in turn causes anaemia. Haemoglobin within red blood cells is important because it is the primary molecule that carries oxygen around the body. Hence, the lack of […]

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Blue Card Vs White Card For Construction Workers The Blue Card has now been replaced by the White Card, but persons holding the Blue Card will not need to replace it and will still be able to work in the building trade across Australia. Once the course has been successfully completed an individual will receive […]

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Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living – What Can Blood Test Results Tell You? As you get older, you will find your doctor routinely sending you to have blood test assessments to check your… blood sugar, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels as part of the “growing older” process. These are tests everyone will […]

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4 Powerful Essential Oils to Fight Off the Symptoms Of Fever During This Winter Season The ancient aromatic organic oils are known to quell the symptoms of every type of illness, be it acute or chronic one. Due to the countless therapeutic benefits and healing properties, the potent natural extracts are known to prevent the […]

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