How To Make Extra Money During Covid-19 Lockdown – Consider Affiliate Marketing The Coronavirus lockdown is changing every aspect of the world. In particular, people are realizing that formal employment will not be a future certainty and thus looking at how to make extra money during Covid-19. Massive job losses are certainly looming and alternative […]

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Living In New York City – A Cultural Melting Pot New York City is the most exciting city in the world. This is true for many reasons – one reason being the diversity that can be found here. New York is home to all kinds of people, ranging from the rich and famous, to important […]

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6 Ways to Earn Money From Home During COVID 19 Pandemic Have you been looking for ways to earn money from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Then, your search ends here. After reading this article, you don’t need to look for the best methods to earn money. With a massive number of employees getting laid […]

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Fake News: Libyan Slave Markets – Exclusive Report What is up with this current fake news about Libya slave markets and aggrandizement of the Gaddafi regime? After CNN came out with video of slave auction markets in Libya, all hell has broken loose online and on mainstream media. Reports of African slaves being auctioned in […]

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Pongal Festival of Tamil Nadu, South India Pongal festival is a major festival of Tamil Nadu, South India. It is the harvest festival of the people of this region, and is celebrated as thanks giving for three days. Harvest festival is celebrated throughout India, in different names. In South India, especially in Tamil Nadu, harvest […]

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Plastic Bag Bans – World Update In the last two years, there has been a striking momentum to reduce or eliminate plastic bags in the US as more Americans become aware of the environmental hazards of these bags. While the US movement is in its infancy, much of the world has already taken action. In 2002, […]

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Sickle Cell Anemia We will discuss what causes sickle cell anemia, what the symptoms are, what is done to treat this disease, and tests available. CAUSES It’s inherited. The inherited gene causes the body to make abnormal hemoglobin “S.” Normal hgb is “A.” One inherited gene will cause Sickle Cell Trait which can be passed […]

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Higher Education Must Rise to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19 One thing that we have all begun to appreciate since the arrival of the Corona-virus Pandemic has been the importance of scientists and those that support them. It is clear to the world that until there is a vaccine there is no real […]

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Viral Meningitis Symptoms: What Is The Cause And Symptoms You Need To Know Viral meningitis symptoms usually only occur in children, although adults may also be at risk of getting it. It is most commonly a problem in the summer months. Reported cases of viral meningitis tend to be very mild. Some symptoms of viral […]

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Economic Meltdown It was in 2001 when the World Trade Center came crashing down along with the other terrorist attack in Washington initiated a response that sent the world and the United States into a recession. Businesses across the spectrum hit the panic button and started laying off thousands all across the United States. It […]

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