COVID-19 Offers Surprising Opportunities for Successful Projects At the end of this article executives, business and project owners will, hopefully, realize, because they are looking at COVID-19 and seeing only the negatives, they may be missing opportunities. Never Ending Change: the COVID-19 Opportunity One thing you can count on is the need for change. COVID-19 […]

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Famous Foods for Famous People The Stage Deli, an institution in New York City, was famous for its sandwiches named after celebrities. Sadly, those mile-high sandwiches have disappeared along with the closing of the Deli. But for a lucky few, whose memory lives on in the form of famous dishes, here are some of the […]

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An In-Depth View of the C-Reactive Protein Test C-Reactive Protein Test or commonly called CRP Blood test aids in the diagnosis of the presence of inflammation in the body. C-Reactive Protein is a special substance produced by the liver which is generally defined as an acute phase reactant. CRP levels typically rise in response to […]

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Covid-19: Four Ways to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times There is no doubt that these are some of the most challenging times we have seen in generations. Almost overnight, the world was turned upside down, and the traditional, predictable way of life seemed to disappear. As the coronavirus continues to spread across the world, […]

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Incredible Heritage of India India is synonym with ‘diversity’ and this bears in the rich heritage of the country. The perfect blend of religions, cultures, languages, customs and traditions is reflected in the rich heritage of the country. One of the oldest civilizations is a treasury of art, architecture, philosophy, classical dances, music, flora, fauna […]

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5 Sound Financial Tips for Newlyweds Your matrimonial vows tie you and your spouse together with an emotional and financial bond that you need to grow stronger throughout your lives together. Therefore, sorting out your financial situation as newlyweds will lead to a lifetime of wedded financial bliss. After all, financial security is as significant […]

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Monkey Pox Nigerians could be so dramatic at the advent of a new disease outbreak. Good mornings would suddenly be devoid of friendly handshakes, every unproductive street gatherings would suddenly have a new topic of discussion and hand sanitizers would suddenly become as handy as naira notes. Even the fake hand sanitizers would sell with […]

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Boost Your COVID – 19 Retirement Planning With These Tips Bear in mind that retirement savings are for the long run. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a widespread impact across all elements of financial life, including retirement plans. The current global stock exchange turbulence, as a result of COVID-19, will undoubtedly be concerning for people […]

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Elephantiasis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Elephantiasis is a common medical predicament that causes the underlying tissues of the body in both genders to thicken causing them to look like elephant limbs. In the cases of males, elephantiasis can even affect the scrotum and make it the size of a softball. Elephantiasis is caused due […]

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How To Stop Getting Old George Burns’s observation that, ‘You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old’, is just as relevant today as it was back in George’s day. We’ve come up with some interesting ways to slow down the ageing process and this collection can be expected to deliver, provided, […]

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