A Fortnight With Covid-19 As a writer, it has been my inner most desire to have few days of uninterrupted isolation preferably within the comforts available in my house. Perhaps this has stemmed from the agonies of the frequent disturbances which I had to face while I was engrossed in the creative process of writing […]

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Create an Elegant Staircase With Easy Plaster of Paris and a Mold You’ve taken mansion tours or have been in old buildings where Victorian plaster makes its mark on the walls, ceilings and staircases. There is an unmistakable elegance that ornamental plaster adds to plain surfaces. But I can bet you don’t realize just how […]

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Cricket New Normal: IPL Extravaganza To Hit The Screens From 19th September! The 13th version of the Twenty20 cricket extravaganza, the Indian Premier League (IPL 2020), is set to unfold from 19th September 2020 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The 53-day long tournament would see around 70 matches including practice matches during the period; […]

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Oh, to Be Crazy and Get Paid for It I usually don’t complain a lot. When I do I get caught in some dilemma that I can’t talk my way out. You think I would learn my lesson, but I’m still in the learning curve. It was a long week, and the Gracious Mistress of […]

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The Killer Still At Large… Don’t Be Callous! Most of us take the killer virus seriously only when it strikes hard at our neighbors or friends or relatives; it hits the housing society we live in taking a life or two, and we become dead serious resolving to follow guidelines strictly and if possible not […]

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Eid Can Lead to Another Exposure of Covid-19 in Pakistan In current situation Pakistan went into lockdown, allow public to shop and to mock smartly, did you think the coronavirus will not spread during the time period to 800hrs to 1700hrs. We have soft heart for under privilege person, many NGO’s and many peoples on […]

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Hepatitis C: Diagnosis and Treatment Hepatitis C is a very important viral illness that primarily affect the liver. Most recent estimates indicate that about 1-2% of U.S. population are affected by this illness. It is one of the most frequent causes of chronic liver condition, leading to hardening and cancer of the liver. Not surprisingly, […]

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UK Artists Fear That Admitting Supporting Brexit Will Be Career Suicide William Shakespeare (1564-1616) can always be relied upon to furnish with a line that encapsulates a mood or situation. Those familiar with the play Hamlet will remember the line: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” – meaning that something is seriously awry. […]

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Important Symptoms Of Dengue That You Need To Know Dengue fever is a serious mosquito-borne disease that primarily occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, especially in Southeast Asia and Pacific islands. Some of the mild symptoms of dengue are fever, rashes, muscles and joint pain. If you are experiencing above mentioned signs […]

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Who Can You Trust When Investing? Fear and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic have spread through the world. On top of those problems, the issue of police brutality of black men has been brought to the attention of the world once again. The tragic killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer and […]

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