Vaccinate – Or Not Vaccinate – or Not With the recent Measles outbreak, which seemed to be a world-wide phenomenon, I found it really hard to find any common ground with the current crop of Anti Vaxxers. When I, my family and friends were growing up, many years ago, it was quite common to have […]

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Decline of the Traditional British Orchard Conservationists have warned of the loss of Britain’s traditional orchards. Recent figures from The National Trust indicate that up to 60% of orchards have been lost since the 1950s due to changes in land use and the increase in commercial fruit growers. This had led to a dramatic loss […]

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Cure Your Vaginal Thrush With Yogurt A popular cure for vaginal thrush is yogurt. Many women have successfully used a yogurt remedy to eliminate their symptoms. As a cure for vaginal thrush yogurt is safe, cheap, effective, and many sufferers report that it works quite quickly. Here, you’ll learn about the benefits and how to use yogurt correctly to […]

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The Demotic Script of Ancient Egypt This script was derived from the earlier pictographic and hieroglyphic inscriptions that developed from the cursive, northern variant of the Hieratic script. As one of the languages engraved on the Rosetta Stone along with Greek and the hieroglyphs it enabled scholars to decipher the royal tongue and discover the […]

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How the Pathans Adopted the Shalwar Kameez The Shalwar Kameez is a dress worn by North Indians. Originally it was worn by the people of Punjab. Hence it had the name “Punjabi dress”. Later it also began to be referred to as the Pathani suit. Both dresses are similar and consist of a loose trouser […]

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IIT Engineering Versus Engineering From UK University IIT is a brand in itself in India. In fact its group of 15 colleges all over India has earned them the title of ‘institutes of national importance’ by the Parliament. Getting admitted into such a college will be great for one’s career! On the other hand, an […]

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The Long-Term Effects of the Corona Virus The long-term effects of the Covidvirus are becoming apparent. Those whom have been shielding are feeling vulnerable and afraid to go out into busy areas, especially now cases are rising again. Those whom have suffered from the virus, even those with mild attacks may have had recurring illnesses […]

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Passover in Kampala “Next year in Jerusalem.” The words at the end of the Passover seder always give me chills. How many Jews over how many generations have longed to celebrate in the Holy Land. This past year, though, I was faced with a dilemma. I wouldn’t be celebrating Passover in Jerusalem or even, as […]

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Some Reasons Why Sugarcane Juice Could Be Your Ideal Summer Drink Sugarcane Juice is one of the most refreshing summer drinks that give great relief from the hot summers. The drink is popular among kids as well as youngsters due to its delicious taste and nutritional qualities that treat your taste buds and keep your […]

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Family Mountain Biking Holidays in The Alps Family holidays are always very much anticipated, and no matter where you go and what you do, family time away from school, work and the routine of life at home has all the ingredients for quality time and lifelong memories. When taking your family away on that much-awaited […]

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