The SAT – What to Expect The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test used for college admissions. It was formerly known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the SAT I. Published by the College Board, a non-profit organization, the SAT is administered seven times a year. Currently, SAT scores range from 600 to 2400, […]
IBS Treatment – The Magic Of Cumin To Treat Bloating And Constipation One of the major symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the gas buildup in the stomach. The gas, if not relieved, will cause cramping, colon spasm and major discomfort. Sometimes this can be so severe, that the IBS sufferer has to be […]
5 Website Improvement Ideas for a New Economy Over the past few months, we’ve all been focused on getting through the pandemic healthy and safe. If you’re a small business owner, you’ve also been trying to survive and thrive-whether that’s creating or updating an eCommerce website, selling a new product that’s in-demand or offering delivery […]
Plan Demolishing A Building After A Revealing Asbestos Refurbishment Survey The Royal wedding and the members of the Buckingham Palace from London in England, U.K., have been in the news till recently and the whole world had been hooked to the televisions to glimpse a view of the Royal family. This is the intriguing United […]
Typhoid Fever – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Typhoid Fever is a serious and potentially fatal illness which is caused by a bacterial infection. This disease is primarily associated with poor hygiene and is more common in areas with poor sanitation. Causes Typhoid Fever is caused by the bacteria species known as Salmonella enterica. These bacteria […]
Republican Election Interference: Lessons in History Series 2 American audiences love sequels. If you loved or hated the Mueller report, you will love or hate the congressional sequel as public impeachment hearings begin November 13. Donald Trump appeared to get away with “in your face” election interference in 2016. Can he do it again in […]
Lyme Disease Hasn’t Gone Away Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can be contracted from the black-legged, or deer tick. Deer ticks look like small dog ticks. This disease occurs in both North America and in Europe, although different species of deer tick are usually responsible for spreading it. The symptoms of Lyme disease […]
Social Effects Of Downsizing Human Resources A set of thorny process issues concerns the impact of downsizing on the local community. Downsizing, especially focused layoffs by large corporations (that lead, say, to the closure of an entire facility), can have devastating impacts on a local community. As extreme examples, there are cases of rural community’s […]
Oops! I Forgot to Test My Blood-Sugar – Now What? Did you forget to test your blood-sugar before eating? Even the best diabetes management can go ka-blooey with a slip in memory. And sometimes, let’s admit it, we didn’t really forget. We just wanted to get to the food without the delay of a test. […]
The Ultimate Jewish Cruises in Europe 2018 As more Jews become more interested in their culture and history, Jewish cruises are becoming more competitive and are creating more immersive and enticing Jewish tours. Many travelers, particularly those who have Jewish ancestors or are practicing Judaism go on these tours because they want to learn their […]