How to Reference Your Sources Using Harvard Referencing It’s no secret that a rather alarming number of UK students are getting their assignment referencing wrong. An article in the Sunday Times (Jones, 2006) claims that up to 10% of all degree level submissions commit some form of plagiarism – the act of copying or ripping […]
What Is Chiari Malformation? Arnold Chiari (pronounced key-are-ee) Malformation is a rare malformation of the brain located in the area where the brain and spinal cord connect. This malformation occurs when the cerebellum is too large to fit within the confines of the skull. When the cerebellum is over-sized, the cerebellar tonsils are forced to […]
A Breakaway Nigeria: The Best Way Forward Today, Nigeria doesn’t seem to be moving forward. Why is this? Is it because of our corrupt leaders? Is it because Nigerian youths are mostly idle when it comes to political matters? Should we blame the British for creating Nigeria by amalgamating three major tribes into one territory? […]
Recently Atherosclerosis Critical Patient Shifted By Global Air Ambulance Services In Ranchi Unmoving, normally of the emergency patients are being moved from Ranchi to Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata to Vellore, Mumbai and many other cities in India. Needy people always seek an emergency Air Medevac in Ranchi for quick and safe patient transportation. Now Charted Air […]
A Thought: The Changing Face of Humankind! At most times during the last few months it gets unbearable for the humans. From where the heck this unique virus has sprung up and why? First part of the question is answered easily enough: it is a novel strain of the existing Coronavirus and it has proved […]
Continue Staying Organized Once you have organized your space whether it is a drawer or an entire room, the real challenge is keeping it that way. Many clients get their area or areas organized, but fail to realize that it requires monitoring and purging. It will take some additional work to maintain the organized space. […]
Woolworth’s Achieve Guinness World Record For Largest Ever Pass The Parcel On December 9th 2010 it was confirmed by the Guinness World Records that the world’s largest game of pass the parcel had taken place in London the preceeding day. The giant parcel was passed through various towns and cities in the UK over a […]
Fatigue and Intense Pain At the Joints? – Fibromyalgia Might Be the Culprit The source of fibromyalgia remains unknown to the many medical researchers despite its obvious symptoms. For almost 150 years, this baffling syndrome of fibromyalgia has been closely examined by medical researchers, and yet the genesis remains unfound. Till today, sufferers can only […]
Kennedy Ng’ang’a: Artist and Philanthropist A dynamic personality is gaining popularity amongst many Facebook users around the globe, especially those who live and thrive with some of life’s more difficult challenges. Philanthropist and artist, Kennedy Ng’ang’a, inspires thousands of people with his engaging personality and caring heart. He paints in bold strokes using his clenched […]
Nigerian People: Arise and Revolt I will start by addressing us on a platform that we are products of mental conditioning. According to Sam Adeyemi, 2006, he said “We may have underestimated the impact of our being colonized in this part of the world but slavery and colonization deal a devastating blow on the mind. […]