Thank You COVID-19 Most people are afraid of and disgusted with the Coronavirus. It has messed up our status quo. It has inspired anger, brought about alarm, despair and death, perpetuated anguish and caused loss. But – have you thought of the good it is bringing to our world? Corona has caused self isolation (I-soul-action). […]
Do’s and Don’ts for DIY Anti-Cellulite Body Wraps to Lose Weight Fast Body wraps are a cosmetic procedure, which is meant to create a greenhouse effect in problem areas of the body using special wrapping clothes or specialty wrapping material. Generally, body wraps is a procedure done by professionals in day spas, but they can […]
RCFE Administrator You would think that after such a disaster in our industry like the coronavirus that there wouldn’t be much need for anymore residential care facilities for the elderly administrators. Well, it turns out that because these administrators are so important and will have even greater responsibility in the future, now is the perfect […]
Opening Up Italy in 2020 Everyone seems to be waiting in uncertainty as Italy prepares to open up once again on the 4th of May after the first coronavirus crisis. There’s a lot of dialogue about helicopter money that should help businesses get back on track while avoiding the possibility of a horrible recession. Not […]
India Lockdown: Economic Inequalities Make The Poor The Hardest Hit! The stark economic inequalities in India make the poor the hardest hit-in any calamity that strikes, the Lockdown in the wake of the spread of Coronavirus being no exception. As per a study by Oxfam International in 2017 about 1% of the population held 73% […]
COVID-19 Update: Technology Proves "Game-Changer" for Black Urban Youth The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has hit inner-city urban kids disproportionately and has led K-12 educators and administrators to direct many elementary and secondary schools to remain closed indefinitely. To ensure children are not deprived of important knowledge, the classes and assessments have been switched […]
Steps to Increase Awareness on Immunization to Prevent Diseases Know the Importance of Immunization: Immunization is the process of administering a vaccine thus by triggering the immune system to fight against infectious diseases. It is a powerful, safe, proven and effective shield. If a person is vaccinated, in case if they come in contact with […]
India Fights COVID-19: Government Is Optimistic! On Thursday, the 23rd of April, 2020, in its daily press briefing, the Government of India said that in India the growth rate in COVID-19 cases is linear, and not exponential as has been witnessed in many countries around the world. The Government has reiterated this with renewed confidence […]
The Impact Of COVID-19 On Search Trends And SEO For the last two months, the whole SEO community has been talking about the latest COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and its impact on organic traffic and performance. It has been seen that there has been a significant dip in the organic performance of websites across different verticals. […]
Three Steps to Reducing Fear of Coronavirus As Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, many people are feeling powerless, unsafe and downright terrified about what may be coming. We want to take action, to take back control, but we don’t know what to do. So our fears magnify, making us less rational, and this puts added […]