How to Setup an Efficient Home Office During the Coronavirus Outbreak As the current situation with COVID-19 developing and spreading fast, more and more companies are opting for their employees to work from home so they can comply with the social distancing protocol to help in the battle of spreading the virus. The virus is […]
8 Life Lessons Learned From the Coronavirus Are there life lessons to be learned during this pandemic? You bet. Albeit, it isn’t over yet. President Donald Trump warned last week that the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. will probably “get worse before it gets better.” Yup, kinda figured that out. The coronavirus isn’t going anywhere […]
COVID-19: Action Group On Free Civic Space Tackles Nigerian Govt on Human Rights Abuses Action Group on Free Civic Space represents a loose network of organizations, student unions, social movements and active citizens across Nigeria, working on different thematic issues, but committed to ensuring that government regulation in the name of national security does not […]
Maybe Universal Healthcare Could Assist People Afflicted With COVID-19 President Obama did all that he could to guarantee healthcare to all American citizens. Moreover, he tried to ensure that even people with pre-existing conditions could at least sign up for insurance. In the past, they had often been denied coverage since insurance companies were keen […]
COVID-19 Vaccine: Optimism Grows As Two More Candidates Enter Final Human Trials Phase! Optimism for a possible cure for COVID-19 has been growing since the positive results obtained for the vaccine being developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca in its initial two human trials. Now, two more vaccines, namely by Moderna Inc and by Pfizer Inc in the […]
Corona Virus, Size And Shape, Mask Effectiveness, Areas Unaffected, No Vaccine Yet The loss of US population matches the death toll of second World War. We cannot gloat on this depressing position. Defense methods like social distancing, frequent washing of hands, cleaning car knobs, door knobs, table surfaces, avoiding public crowded places like theaters, sports […]
Potassium Food Sources and COVID-19 It’s been my experience as a practicing dietitian that most healthy people do not readily meet their dietary potassium requirements. Being able to eat a lot of food (calories) can help, since potassium is actually found in a wide range of foods. Obviously, the more food eaten, the greater likelihood […]
The Worst Is Yet to Come: CDC Updates Older Adults Need to Know About COVID-19 Like the song says, “It ain’t over yet.” In fact, the World Health Organization warned Monday, that “the worst is yet to come,” referring to the coronavirus pandemic. Six months since the new coronavirus outbreak, and the death toll has […]
How Covid-19 Taught the World a Valuable Lesson Investigation into covid-19 needs to happen There is a lot of speculation online as to the origins of coronavirus with the most likely source being an animal market in Wuhan, China. It is understood that in these markets animals are kept in such unsanitary conditions that it […]
Yet More About COVID-19 Coronavirus are a type of virus which causes common colds, but can also cause more serious diseases such as SARS, MERS, or COVID – 19. The virus is only about 0.025 µm in diameter, far smaller than the human eye can see even with the best optical microscope. In comparison, a […]