Coronavirus in Oaxaca – Southern Mexico COVID-19 Pandemic – A Plea on Behalf of The People Aside from agriculture, the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca relies on tourism for its very existence. Beginning mid-March, 2020, COVID-19 ravaged the state’s economy, as visitors began to depart en masse, and those with reservations for April, May and […]

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Coronavirus and Getting to Know God – Psalm 46-10 We will translate psalm 46-10 “be still and know that I am God” more comprehensively toward the end of this article. It will explain just how important this particular psalm is for humans at this unprecedented time. But, for now, by way of adding context, let […]

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Home Remedies for Scars Scars are typically the result of an injury, such as a small cut, laceration or burn; stretch marks from pregnancy or significant weight changes; or an incision due to surgery or even acne. Scars can be flat or may protrude, often severely. They can be difficult to live with, especially if […]

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The Madness Chronicles – Episode 20 In this, our 20th episode of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at the madness of counting COVID-19 cases. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, especially severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at Coronavirus counting […]

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Daily Life in Italy During the Period of Corona Virus, CoViD-19 For more than a month, Italians had heard of the ‘Corona Virus’ in China, having seen the stories on the news about how the Chinese Government was handling the epidemic. This news seemed like something that was from a far off land that could […]

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Planet Earth Closing In On COVID-19? When the new strain of the Coronavirus struck China at the end of 2019 and later, in early next year, started spreading to other countries at a very fast rate the world hardly knew anything about the virus and watched helplessly as COVID-19 created havoc all around, posing the […]

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7 Ideas to Use "Found Time" During COVID-19 It’s no longer “business as usual” to say the least. During this COVID-19 pandemic, nothing is as usual. You may have found yourself working from home – with or without children to care for – or discovering that many of your customers have shut down operations, so […]

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Contraindications of Lyme Disease Vaccine A common infection brought by ticks is Lyme disease. Its characteristics are Erythema Migrans, and varied systemic manifestations. The borrela burgdorferi is a spirochete present in deer ticks. It is transmitted through bites during their nymphal stage. Thankfully, vaccine is available for this disease. Not every tick transmits this disease. […]

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Ten Things to Love About America on Trump Days In 2008, America was the first western industrialized country to elect Barack Obama as a non-white Head of State.. In 2016, ehe pendulum swung backwards in the election of ultra-white media-made business tycoon Donald Trump. As Trump rolls back progress made under Obama toward global cooperation […]

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Piles Symptoms Piles or hemorrhoids can affect anyone, any-time and anywhere. This disease is known for affecting children, but nowadays it extends its arm to adults especially men. Piles are enlarged and engorged blood vessels in or around the anus. They are often associated with pain, bleeding, itching and feeling as if a lump or […]

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