Pandemic Nonprofit Phoning The Coronavirus pandemic of early 2020 has forced a new normal on virtually everyone, nonprofit organizations included. Governors’ executive orders to shelter in place, organizations restricting travel, and preventative precautions leading us to work at our home desks now put a premium on using the phone and online meeting software. Who would […]

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America to Trump: "You’re Fired!" “You’re fired!” America cried well before Donald Trump became president, when he was a mere candidate running for the job. The cry grew louder as Trump trampled the Constitution, defied the rule of law and broke norms sacred to America during its 250-odd year history. It took a global pandemic […]

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Changing Times of Land Investments UK Times seem to be changing in “Land Investments Uk” after the Kent Land Scams, Sussex Land Scams and London Land Scams, owe to the initiatives taken by the people of Sussex Farmland, that now companies have started refunding to the dissatisfied customers, which means, that if you are unhappy […]

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Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Iron-Deficiency Anaemia Iron-deficiency is amongst the most common diseases that have been found in many human beings. The disease caused due to lack of iron is also known as ‘Anaemia’ in medical terms and is a common, easily curable condition that exists in a human being who does not have […]

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Coronavirus – Ancient Method of Health, Happiness, Youth and Faith Many confuse faith and rigid belief systems as similar, while more confuse faith and residual happiness as separate. Religious faith tends to be doctrine-ridden. In how well we can preach literal stories as real as opposed to mature esoteric understanding. And, of course, true faith […]

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The Madness Chronicles – Episode 19 In this, our 19th episode of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at Islam’s reaction to the Coronavirus Crisis. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, especially severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at Islam’s response, […]

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All About Seychelles Seychelles a land of pristine beauty and a luxury destination which lies in the western part of the Indian Ocean. An archipelago of 115 islands, the island nation is known for its exquisite natural beauty, spectacular beaches, and luxury resorts. It is home to the world’s oldest ocean islands and largest raised […]

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What You Need To Know About Passing A Drug Test Most professional athletes live with the reality that they can be required to take random drug tests to rule out the presence of prohibited substances. Testing also occurs in the workplace as employers try to ensure that their employees are complying with the rules. If […]

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Can Italy Attract Tourism Again in 2020 After the COVID-19 Outbreak? It has recently been exciting to experience Italy, to listen to the news reports and to hear Italians make plans for opening up their businesses in addition to mapping out their summer vacations. After having been at home so long, few would like to […]

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Frequently Asked Questions About Experiencing Holi in India The Holi Festival or the Festival of Colours has a tradition of over 1,000 years in India (and Nepal). Holi is a happy and cheerful time because the cold of winter is no more and the warming tones of spring are in the air. Nature is responding […]

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