Living With Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19 The human world has just gone almost upside down. The recent pandemic has grabbed the everyday life of humans’ by the throat, and this happened all of a sudden. Fear has emerged from the darkness and has proliferated within the entire globe very swiftly, and this has […]
A Visit to Aberdeen Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire is one of the most inhabited of the Scottish Towns. People who come to visit Scotland must visit this historic city to have a toast of vintage features reflecting Gaelic culture. The city is famous for various activities one of which is the Aberdeen International Youth Festival. Having […]
How to Test Food Quality at Home? Finding out the quality of the food that you are consuming is very important. Foods may be contaminated or adulterated with a foreign substance. These substances can make you sick and unhealthy. Difference between contamination and adulteration Contamination and adulteration involve some foreign substance in the food. However, […]
Sarcoidosis Cure – Exciting News Sarcoidosis cure has been a subject of controversy for decades. This is mainly due to the fact that the causes behind it are vague. But, some exciting news have been emerging lately. This article is fashioned to look into the standard treatment and then talk about the mentioned exciting news. […]
Indo-Japan Relations on a ‘Bullet’ Ride September 14th, Japanese PM embarked on his two day journey to India for annual Indo-Japan summit. The visit was particularly significant, coming as it did in the background of BRICS summit and post-doklam crisis. It would be worth mentioning here that Japan was the only country which openly endorsed […]
How To Improve Your Man’s Anti Aging Routine Unlike women, men are very lax in their skin care routine. Most of them are satisfied with just cleansing. They tend to shy away from moisturizing products, sun screen and exfoliating scrubs. As a result, their skin gets damaged from the daily effects of external aging elements. […]
H1N1 and Fever Reducers – A Deadly Combination Every time I hear something about H1N1 on the TV or the radio it is always revolved around support for the vaccination. This is the same type of vaccination that caused Guillan-Barre syndrome in some of the people who took it back in the 70’s. This new […]
All About Clitheroe, Lancashire in the UK There are many places to go in the UK when you are on a visit. There are large cities and country all over the nation. There are also many towns scattered around that hail many different tourist attractions as well! One of these towns is Clitheroe, Lancashire. What […]
Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Ebola Virus disease (EVD) is a life threatening and contagious disease which is contracted by human beings as well as primates. It is a hemorrhagic fever; caused by ebolaviruses also known as “filoviruses” (they are from the virus family “filivoridae”). There are five viruses that are included […]
COVID-19 Immunity – Enter Through the Narrow Gate Matthew 7: 13-14 puts it: “enter ye through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to hell”. A most telling verse indeed. In light of Coronavirus, to where exactly is this instructional verse guiding. Regards overall health, how do we interpret this verse specifically […]