Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: The Conundrum Take a look at the Diabetes UK website and you’ll clearly see they claim that sugar consumption does not cause Type 2 Diabetes: specifically look at their “causes and risk factors” page to read: “Eating sweets and sugar does not cause diabetes,but eating a lot of sugary and […]

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Vitamin D Does it Again – It’s Now Protective Against Deep Vein Thrombosis Too More good news about Vitamin D AGAIN! With March being National Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month (I’m not making this up!), you would think that a study showing that prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis, also called DVT, through sunlight exposure would […]

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Somatic Exercises – Fear and Anxiety – The Withdrawal Response The withdrawal response goes hand in hand with fear, apprehension and anxiety. When a person is overwhelmed by these emotions an instant reflex occurs, one that causes us to want to get out of our fearful situation, to withdraw. This lower-brain stem reflex happens so […]

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What Is the Difference Between Offensive and Hazardous Waste? The world of waste can be a tangled web of legislation, regulations and rules, which sometimes are difficult to understand and in which it is easy to get lost. In our 50 years of experience dealing with companies of any size and from a variety of […]

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Warning – Eating Slugs Can Be Hazardous to Your Health A 21 year old man from Sydney, Australia is in critical condition as we speak as a result of a foolish dare. The dare was simply to eat a slug-bad idea, because now he’s contracted rat lungworm. The rat lungworm or Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a […]

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Staying Calm and Educated in an Angry World In over a year of having a new President of the United States, the world has become very divided and angry, needing reassurance and answers that don’t come. Who is right? Who is wrong? How dare the other party think that way? Fake news! The answer to […]

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What Are Medical Credentialing Services? Physicians require credential services for their practices. Physician credentialing is helpful in negotiating the pay for services rendered, meeting compliance requirements and facilitating the payment processes. Medical professionals rely on the services of medical credentialing service agencies to provide them with the peace of mind that all payment and verification […]

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Much-Sought Opportunity to Study Abroad in the UK, Australia and New Zealand UK, Australia, New Zealand are one of the most popular destinations for studying overseas. With internationally recognized educational institutions and a common language is the most important advantage of these. More than 30000 students from the USA and Canada have a choice to […]

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Kidney Problem Symptoms Kidney trouble should always be taken seriously because a kidney problem, if it’s not treated in time, can have a huge impact on your overall health and quality of life. Some kidney conditions are potentially fatal. Your kidneys can become so damaged from a kidney infection or kidney cancer that they no […]

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The Personification Of Newspaper In The Information Giving Process Being the oldest form of mass communication, newspapers have enjoyed a high rapport among their readers during all these years since they have introduced in this society. Newspapers have always played a critical role in spreading awareness, educating and informing people on a larger scale on […]

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