None of These Diseases “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and laws, then I will not make you suffer the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.” Exodus 15:26 The […]

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The Dawn of Armageddon As the world is hurdling toward the final climax of mankind one has to wonder will anything survive. Will just a score of humans remain on a desolate planet, or will all living things be obliterated in a blink of an eye? Even though there is a real possibility that a […]

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Are There Alternative Sources to Turn to That Can Fend Off the Coronavirus? Panic has become the byword as the world tries to prepare for the onslaught of the corona-virus. Stores are being stripped of food worldwide, cruise ships are being held off shore while passengers are being checked for the virus. Scientists are looking […]

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After The Coronavirus Is Gone COVID 19, the Coronavirus, is triggering global panic. As I write this, the World Health Organization (WHO) just declared it a pandemic, citing “alarming levels of spread and… levels of inaction.” Right now, there are over 120,000 documented cases worldwide and over 1,000 here in the United States. I’m positive […]

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Amazing Similarities Between the Coronavirus Covid-19 and the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 The coronavirus pandemic has well and truly got our attention right now, and one word that keeps popping up is “unprecedented,” meaning that it’s uncharted territory to all concerned, which is true. However, my Dad was born in exactly the same circumstances, […]

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Hydrotherapy In Cholesterol Management There are three things that the human body needs the most; oxygen, food and water. In this case, water is a universal solvent that cleanses and heals the inside and the outside of the body. In these days human beings are no longer free from infectivity, and the most contaminated matter […]

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Money Laundering Law – 20 Basic Facets MONEY LAUNDERING Federal Criminal Law Statutes (Title 18, United States Code) “Money laundering” as it is commonly called, involves the transfer of monies that are a product of criminal activity – whether that activity is drug trafficking related or white collar crime related. Although there is a fairly […]

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Coronavirus: Got You Stuck Inside? Make Your Time Valuable With These 5 Easy Activities At the time of this writing (April 28, 2020) we (most all the US and many in the world) are stuck inside our homes due to the Coronavirus. Most everything is closed–restaurants, movie theaters, and even our churches. When you turn […]

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Will the Women Reservation Bill Bring Good Governance in India? A much has been said about the current Women Reservation Bill that was passed by the Rajya Sabha in New Delhi on March 9, 2010. This bill passed with much more interference between different political parties. But finally it was passed with 30% reservation facilities […]

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Coronavirus Driving People From The Stock Market The coronavirus’ stock market impact is immense. It is spooking stock markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) shed 12% or over 3000 points over five days, February 24-28, the largest 5-day drop since the Great Recession. The DJIA recorded the biggest single day drop (1191) during that […]

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