Is Zinc Useful to Boost Immunity Against Covid-19? Immunity boosters like Zinc are in the news. Since people with weak immunity are more predisposed to various infections, it makes sense to boost your immunity, particularly if you are more prone to colds, coughs and flu. Zinc is an important micronutrient that research shows reduces the […]
Vet Tech Viewpoints – Vaccines, Are They Really Necessary? Part One Disclaimer: I will be writing this series based on my years in the veterinary industry, and from my experience as an Registered Veterinary Technician. I am NOT a veterinarian, nor should any of my writings or advice be used in place of a veterinarian. […]
China’s Mercantilism and New Global Economic Order Modern communication technology has allowed China to achieve a centralized bureaucracy that has a smaller chance of becoming overextended and too top heavy. The danger, of parts of central government melting into regional structures with rebellious consequences, is diminishing every year. The risk is not totally gone however […]
Corona Virus Disease and Duties of Citizens Corona Virus is a large family of viruses responsible for causing illness in animals and humans. Many people name Corona virus as COVID-19 which is not exactly an abbreviation. As detailed by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is a recent disease caused by the Corona virus and […]
Coronavirus and Sexual Health By now, there are few if any people in the civilized world who do not know about coronavirus (technically, COVID-19), the pandemic of which is causing major changes throughout the world. At this writing, the story is evolving and changing every day, and there is no way of knowing exactly what […]
Your Gym Membership and Coronavirus At the moment, with the Coronavirus epidemic happening worldwide, we are being told by experts that gyms are ‘high risk’ environments. Keeping healthy and looking after yourself will help your immune system’ but gyms (especially right now) are not the place to be. We need to increase our body’s immune […]
Essential Oils, Herbs, and Vitamins – Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia According to WebMD, “fibromyalgia is the most common musculoskeletal condition after osteoarthritis.” Symptoms include widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue. It can lead to depression and social isolation and is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Because there is no remedy and […]
Lyme Disease Co-Infection A single tick bite can transmit more than Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. One tick bite can infect a person with one or several diseases. Many of these tick borne diseases share the same symptoms: fatigue, joint pain, fever, stiff neck, and muscle aches. It is not uncommon for a […]
Coronavirus: Low Patronage Hits Chinese Restaurants, Hotels in Lagos The recent outbreak of coronavirus, which has resulted in the untimely death of a number of Chinese and citizens of other countries, in the last couple of weeks, has hit hospitality businesses in Lagos, Nigeria below the belt, investigation reveals.. Media reports across the globe disclosed […]
India and European Union: Perceptions, Narratives and Prospects Introduction India has a multi-dimensional relationship with the European Union (EU), its largest trading partner, a major source of foreign direct investment (FDI), an important source of technology, and home to a large Indian diaspora. India no longer regards the EU as a mere trading block, but […]