Zimbabwe – Simply Astonishing Where in the world do you find the gigantic waterfall, the highest bungee jumping site and dozens of immense Safari parks? You might as well have guessed it; somewhere probably in Africa. It is one of the discrete countries for serious tourists who want to explore and indulge themselves in nature […]
Lipid Profile – An Overview A lipid profile is typically a part of cardiac risk assessment process that helps diagnose whether you are exposed to the risk of heart diseases. Once done, the test results are analyzed to see the intensity of risk and then plan a course of treatment to curb it. An important […]
The Madness Chronicles – Special Edition In this Special Edition of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at the madness of the Coronavirus. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, especially severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at the panic taking place […]
Execution of Strategies for Starting a New Business in India A startup is a company initiated by individual founders/entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and expandable business model. Startups refer to new businesses that intend to grow beyond the solo founder, have employees, and grow large with time. Startups also tend to face high uncertainty. […]
Pregnancy Miracle Review – What Exactly Is Updated in 2019 Pregnancy miracle by Lisa Olson is the very best thing that has affected the world. The method uses Oriental medicine as well as holistic methods. Infertile women found this system valuable. It teaches them the most effective methods you can get pregnant and handling their […]
Natural Remedies and Treatment For Meningitis Question: I am scared to death about meningitis. My three-year-old daughter had her meningitis C vaccination last December but, according to our GP, the more common and deadly type is meningitis B. However, the vaccine for this is not available in the UK, apparently because it’s too expensive. Please […]
What Is Happenning in Bosnia and Herzegovina? On February 28, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker visited Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of his tour of the Western Balkans, countries-candidates for membership in the European Union. During his stay in Sarajevo, he said that the possible time for the country’s entry into the EU […]
Concerned Parents of School-Aged Children: Be Aware of Meningitis, Its Symptoms and Vaccination There are few things worse than hearing of a meningitis breakout at an elementary school-one of those things would be having a child attending the school in question. With all the things parents need to worry about, we’d like to think that […]
RCFE Continuing Education – Future Changes Coming Soon Well, it is amazing what a few months can do to change an industry forever. In the past the worst thing Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) had to deal with is the seasonal flu and MRSA. Now after the Coronavirus has just about changed our […]
Risk Factors for Covid-19 Infection Covid-19 is an acronym of coronavirus disease 2019. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common throughout the world. They can cause respiratory illness in people and animals. This particular one originated in China at the end of 2019 in the city of Wuhan. In the past two […]