If one spends a fair amount of time watching TV, there is a strong chance that they have watched programs where people have cheated on their spouse or partner. This is often a common theme when it comes to dramas and soaps, for instance. At the same time, one may have also have friends or […]

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I can not tell you how many women tell me that they just can’t get let the affair go once and for all.  They’ve made the decision to forgive and they want to save their marriage. They’ve completed some work on restoring the trust and they’ve tried to move on in a healthy way.  However, […]

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Oddly enough, one of the most common times for a man to cheat in a marriage is in the weeks and months following the birth of his first child. It seems like such an odd time to have an affair but for many men it is exactly when they do cheat on their wives for […]

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Wedding Vows Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?” The groom answers “I will”. The minister then says to the bride: Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful […]

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Do Married Men Visit Online Dating Sites To Cheat Or Just Look At The Pictures? Usually when a wife or girlfriend find out their husband or boyfriend has an ad on an online personals dating site the man will claim he was just looking at the pictures. Is this a likely story? Do men join […]

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