British Blue Cheeses Not everyone likes blue-veined cheese, probably because it has a strong flavour. Personally I love it, although my favourite is a creamy Dolcelatte made in Italy. I’ve noticed that the Italians keep the best of their dairy produce for themselves. So you haven’t tasted the best Italian cheeses unless you’ve been to […]
Decline of the Traditional British Orchard Conservationists have warned of the loss of Britain’s traditional orchards. Recent figures from The National Trust indicate that up to 60% of orchards have been lost since the 1950s due to changes in land use and the increase in commercial fruit growers. This had led to a dramatic loss […]
British coins reflect a nation with a very long history and traditions that take a long time to die. Using Latin on coins is not anachronistic but a statement of who we, the British, are and hopefully will always be, reinforced by the effigy of Queen or King on the obverse and emblems of greatness, […]
The British Tradition of Maundy Money Maundy Money are coins traditionally given out by the Monarch as a gift to the poor at Royal Maundy. The ceremony, which is associated with Christianity, is held on Maundy Thursday which is the day before Good Friday. The Maundy set consists of four coins, denominated one penny, two […]