Breaking into Women’s Golf Apparel with Style A fresh approach to club attire Jennifer Glaspie launched Chicago-based Aphira golfware to create apparel for the social golfer who wants to stand out on the green, not fit into the club. by Carolyn Schwaar When novice golfer Jennifer Glaspie was kicked off the green at a Florida […]
Breaking Away From the Herd With Lamb Handbags by Gwen Stefani There is “no doubt” that Gwen Stefani is a woman of many talents. Not only is she a gifted performer, both as a singer and aspiring actress, but a talented fashion designer as evidenced by her expanding line of L.A.M.B. clothes and accessories. The […]
What You Must Know About Breaking Bad News to Patients As a physician, one of the challenges you might have frequently encountered is the uncomfortable task of breaking bad news. Formal medical education does not sufficiently offer practical steps on dealing with the emotionally challenging aspects of informing patients about a saddening piece of news. […]
Attracting a God-fearing man as a life partner in this day and age is not a child’s play. Amarachi is my niece. She has lived 25 years here on Earth without a partner. She had insisted that any man she would allow into her life must be a Godly man. Amarachi was born into a […]