From Sashes to Sandals – Extreme Sophistication in Native Clothing Ceremonial clothing such as headdresses, mantles, complex twined bags and baskets have been recovered from elite mound burials in Spiro, Oklahoma and a few other items have been found at places such as Etowah but little had been recoverd from village sites until Wickliffe. Evidence […]

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Fashion Design Do you think fashion designers are so cool? Have you ever dreamed that you will be a fashion designer one day? However, it is not easy to become a fashion designer. Because fashion relates to the aesthetics, psychology, material science, engineering, marketing and so on, so it is a focus of technology and […]

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Online Shopping for Clothing: 5 Great Advantages Nowadays online shopping for clothes has become more like a daily activity for the modern women. Despite its few flaws, buying clothing from an e-retailer is very popular. GSI Commerce survey on online shopping shows that half of the consumers prefer shopping for fashion clothing and accessories online […]

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Denim And Diamonds – The Hottest Trend In Theme Parties The hottest trend in party themes is the Denim and Diamonds Party. They can be as casual or as elegant as you would like depending upon the type of affair you are looking to host. This unique party theme makes for a great inclusive event […]

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Three Ways Of Wearing Jeans In Formal Occasions Guys like to wear comfortable clothes. They don’t feel comfort in wearing suits or formals all the time. It is experienced by almost every guy when you have an invitation to a formal occasion and they expect you to wear a suit. You can break this trend […]

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Fashion Tips For Curvy Women: How Curve-Tastic Women Can Embrace Their Style Women’s shapes are changing. There is no denying that in the Western World, the average sizes of women are bigger now then they were 40 years ago. But being a bigger size does not mean that you have to dress down or look […]

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Fashion – Here Today, Gone Tomorrow or Sticking Around Help! You scream as the change of another season comes and there is the newspaper headline – Real Trends for Real Women – and it has the top 10 trends for the coming season. Only 10, you think sarcastically. You read on and there is an […]

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What Are the Top 5 Products Women Buy Online? For marketing boffins around the world, knowing what products will sell is a fundamental goal. For women, the internet shopping revolution has opened up a whole new realm for them to explore without having to brave a soggy Saturday high street assault course. Knowing what the […]

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An Overview of Fashion in the 1970’s Fashions in the 1970s were far more relaxed than those in the 1960s before, many emerging design showed signs of nostalgia with designers taking influence from previous decades. Laura Ashley was noted as being heavily influenced by Edwardian style dresses and prints. Barbara Hulanicki’s Biba label produced a […]

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Eczema Natural Treatment: Things You Must Know There are things that you can do aside from the eczema natural treatment methods that you may be already doing. Eczema can be treated at home, but you must not forget that living a healthy lifestyle, eating the right kinds of foods and keeping the surrounding clean can […]

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