Timbuktu is a city that has long gripped the Western imagination. It sits on the Niger River, that clearly marked dividing line between the sandy deserts of North Africa and the green, moist, fertile lands of tropical and sub-tropical Africa, the iconic jungles we associate with Congo and a blazing equatorial sun. Timbuktu is also […]
A Review On The New Temperance – The American Obsession With Sin And Vice, By David Wagner General subject matter: repression of pleasure in America and the constant mantra of danger. Theme: a compelling historical and sociological and philosophical analysis of the American infatuation with sin and immorality. Thesis: the author reasons The New Temperance […]
Famous French Quotes and Their American Counterparts The relationship between France and the United States has often been strained, with one side often criticizing the other over some perceived cultural deficiency. In recent history, certain popular elements in the United States have taken to labelling France as a nation of wimps as a result of […]
The End of American Hegemony Many political scientists in this decade are wrestling with the notion that the United States’ hegemonic power is in steep decline or completely stagnate altogether. With the current status of the nation and the many problems that have stemmed from the irresponsibility of its’ actions the strength of the United […]
Outsourcing Contributed to Counterfeiting of American Brands I’m not any kind of a genius, but as an American female ‘shopper’, I most certainly qualify as an expert. Us American girls have this shopping thing down pat, especially when it comes to saving money on our favorite brands. There are certain brands that are must haves […]
Tommy Hilfiger All American Denim Bed Skirt – The Style Your Bedroom Needs If you want a bed skirt which is unique and rare, the Tommy Hilfiger All American bed skirt should be right up your alley. It comes in full size and is one hundred percent cotton. The tailored construction is simply amazing. This […]
What Viewers Really Think About TV Antique Shows: An American Perspective If you want to get a real insight into the watchability – or otherwise – of the TV antique show genre, look no further than http://www.jumptheshark.com. This site dissects in often gruesome detail the reasons viewers switch off various television programmes and, as a […]
Every relationship is always special and meaningful. But the challenge is heavier for every Filipino and American dating long distance. Love and trust should be present between two Filipino American hearts, one Filipino heart and the other is an American heart, separated by distance and oceans apart. Filipino online dating is one situation of a […]