Dress Your Age: Style Tips For Men Over 50 The odds are that if you are reading this article, you are most probably hitting the good side of your fifties. No matter how old you grow, dressing your age or even knowing how to dress will always be tricky for men. But don’t be one […]
What Age to Stop Wearing Jeans Jeans are forever being seen on youngsters and the trendy youth of today, but is there an age limit when it comes to wearing the denim garment? Many older folk would look a tad strange in the fashion staple, but many will quite happily wear them way into their […]
Age Differences in Dating Dr. Romance gets a lot of letters about older women dating younger men, which appears to be shocking to some people, but I don’t find it so unusual. Why would a younger man want to date an older woman? Who isn’t attracted to success, smarts and experience? Young men can find […]
7 Things to Stay Away From to Age Gracefully Aging is inevitable. We all age as years pile up on us. A few, unfortunately, get to look older before they are really old, while some don’t seem to age at all. It as if time stood still on them. They are said to have “aged […]
How Do You Know the Age of a Stone Arrowhead? When you find an arrowhead, or someone shows you an arrowhead, how can you tell how old it is? A lot of the answer for how old an arrowhead is depends upon the type of stone the point in question is made from. Old flint […]