Many wives who are dealing with infidelity understandably want the complete truth about every single, tiny detail of their husband’s life and thoughts. It might seem like overkill to some, but when you’ve been betrayed and fooled by a spiderweb of lies, then it can get to a point where you’ll only tolerate 100% of […]

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My wife says she wants a divorce because of my affair and she is very hurt. Being unfaithful in a relationship is just not the right thing to do and because of a single act in an affair, your relationship may end in a divorce. Deep down inside your heart, you do not want to […]

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Early Dating Early dating refers to dating before a divorce is final or dating very soon after a divorce is final. Reasons for early dating vary: (1) Sometimes the motivation for dating before the divorce is final is to add to one’s relationship experience and/or to experience the euphoric feeling of being intimate with someone […]

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How To Save Your Marriage After an Affair – Reignite The Spark That Brought You Together Your spouse cheated on you and you finally found out. You are feeling that the whole world is falling down around you and despite all these negative and painful emotions you still want to save your marriage after affair. […]

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