“Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best”. Proverbs 9:17. This statement from the Bible is so profound and rings so true to the way of life all across the world, that no matter what “religion” or beliefs you express, we all can agree on this statement in lieu of the subject […]
If you have ever had an inkling, thought, notion or urge to have an affair, this article is for you. And even if you haven’t, this article is for you too because life changes and attitudes shift. You just never know. And finally, if you’re having an affair, this article is especially for you! This is the article I […]
Nothing demolishes trust in a relationship like infidelity. The person cheated on now begins to wonder what else in the relationship was untrue. Infidelity puts in doubt what you thought you knew about your partner, your relationship and even yourself. It is like a kick to the stomach that wakes you up to the realization […]
One of the most common problems that I hear about is having repetitive questions about the affair. It’s absolutely normal (and quite understandable) to want to gather all of the information that you possibly can. However, there comes a point where you get tired of asking and your cheating spouse becomes tired of answering. And […]
It’s normal to have conflicting emotions after you find out about your husband’s affair. You may go from not wanting him in your line of sight to fantasizing about saving your marriage over the course of only a few hours. One morning you may be considering kicking him out and by night time, you’re thinking […]
It’s estimated that 50 percent of husbands will have an affair. I’m not talking about an emotional affair or a fantasy affair but a physical affair. With such a daunting statistic, what are the odds that your husband will cheat on you and how in the world do you keep him on the right side […]
Have you ever wondered why all the good men are taken? Have you ever met a married man who is so gorgeous that you can’t help feeling envious of his wife? You’re not alone. The other day, I was traveling to Los Angeles and met the most charming married man at the airport. I left […]
The reaction of wives who find out about their husband’s affair is extremely varied. Some spring into action immediately and want to know everything. They press for every single detail even though these details can be very painful. But, they feel like they have to know the entire truth in order to heal cleanly. Then […]
Many married women like to have an affair and seek new love with a new guy only to leave their families behind. Well, this is quite unethical to have an affair with a married one than a single woman who needs fresh relationship. Approaching a married woman is easier than approaching a single woman. This […]
Most extramarital affairs happen at work, there are reports saying that around 50% of affairs happen at work. It is not uncommon for a married person to get romantically involved with someone at work. Most people spend a large amount of their time at work with their co-workers and the workplace is a perfect place […]