Speed dating has become a staple of the dating scene in recent years. In fact, it is one of the most popular forms of dating there is. It is the perfect solution for those people that want to avoid bad dates with potential matches but yet meet the boy or girl of their dreams. Not only do they avoid the fake profile trap, whether the profile itself is fake or the other person is a compulsive liar, but they also get the chance to form a first impression with no dating obligation. What could be better than that?

For those not familiar with speed dating, it is literally where men and women get together at a hall or meeting place and have two minute or five minute dates with every potential match in the room. A man sits on one side of the table and a woman on the other. They talk, they decide whether they like each other or not and then they meet the next person, and the next and the next until every woman has had a date with every man! Simple!

With speed dating about to go live on the Internet, everyone will shortly be dating that way. After all, instant speed dating online is the answer to most dating problems and prayers all at the same time! The question is, how did it all start?

Speed dating actually started in Los Angeles in 1998. The first event was at Pete’s Café in Beverly Hills and was exclusively for members of the Jewish community. Rabbi Yaacov Devo had noticed that many of the younger members of his Jewish community were struggling to meet suitable partners. Their busy lifestyles were apparently getting in the way of true love!

Rabbi Devo had the idea of accelerating the dating process by introducing several Jewish men to several Jewish women one on one so they all had a chance to talk and get to know each other, thus getting the first stage of dating over and done with. Needless to say, his first dating event was a massive success and soon gathered momentum.

Having crossed the Atlantic, UK speed dating is hot property and is only going to get hotter with the launching of Internet UK speed dating in the coming months. Meeting new people face to face for a quick chat is definitely easier than heading to a bar on a blind date. It is much safer and much more convenient, which is probably what Rabbi Devo had in mind! Although the good Rabbi would no doubt have been delighted if he would have foreseen what a major impact he would have on the UK dating scene and on so many peoples’ lives!



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