What Does Your Screen Name Tell About You?
I’ve done my share of online dating and sometimes think I’ve seen it all when it comes to unique screen names. Screen names create your first impression. It may seem minor, but the screen name or “handle” you use to identify yourself on a dating profile could be the difference between getting a response or getting passed over.
When choosing a screen name think about how it might be perceived by a stranger. You can use your screen name to do at least 4 things:
- Make a positive first impression
- Set yourself apart from all others
- Share something personal/interesting about yourself
- Create trust
I don’t know about you, but I am not likely to respond to lewd, crude, and rude screen names, unless I am looking for a hookup (not likely). Nor, will I “get” your humorous screen name without knowing you. Attempts at humor via print fail more often than succeed, so use it sparingly.
I am much more likely to respond to someone’s first name and a number that suggests their age, such as “Ralph1971.” That already tells me something personal about that person. That creates one step forward in getting me to trust them.
I would also be more likely to respond to a screen name, such as “TennisLover,” “Bookworm”, or “LovesSushi,” that suggests a common interest, a personal passion or a possible first date activity. Knowing something like this about you helps me decide whether or not to respond to you or pass you over.
If I am looking for someone with certain qualities, I might respond to screen names that reference that. For example, if I want someone who is highly intelligent, I might respond to “100thMensa.” If I want someone who is into Beatles music, I might respond to “TicketToRide.” If I want someone creative, I might respond to “DoBeDoBeDo.” If I want someone spiritual, I might respond to “MysticActivist.”
Screen names that are too general, vague or negative are turn-offs for me. “Lonely4U” is sad. “LoverMan” is too general. “HopefulCynic” is just plain confusing.
What does your screen name say about you? Does it suggest that you are
- boring
- couch potato
- floozy
- self-focused
- an axe murderer
- a gold-digger
- a player
- unimaginative
- creative
Use your imagination. Think about what screen name might appeal to you and prompt you to open and read someone’s profile. Chances are if you like it, so will they!
online dating
Soulful, Sassy Screen Names for Online Dating