Soul Mates are relationships from your past lives which have very strong Karmic bonds. These bonds are connections which you had in your previous lives. Depending on how strong the bonds are will determine how these will impact on you and your relationships in this life.
These bonds are very strong connections which you have carried forward from your previous lives into this present life. This is a perfect way you can identify your karmic mate. Have you been through this scenario? You meet someone new and for the first time and yet you feel a very strong karmic connection with them. Then this is the person with whom you were related to from your previous lives. You will have almost everything in common with this person. You will have the same likes even though you have never met him or her before in this life. Even more so there will a very strong bond which will draw both of you towards each other. How the relationship succeeds or not depends on how strong your karmic bond is towards each other.
I know people who have been married for more than 60 years without a stain in their relationship and this is purely because of their strong karmic bond which over earnings every other issues. Yet there are other people who meet their karmic mates but still marry other people and eventually settle with their karmic mates when the other marriages fail. Sometimes they miss the total connections with their karmic mates and because this was left unfulfilled they are reincarnated to go through the same until it is resolved. Soul mates are someone who were very strongly connected with you in your previous lives and they are there in your present lives to continue this connection.
I believe very strongly in reincarnation and past lives. These have strong impact on you and the connections in your life carried forward from previous lives whether these connections are good or bad. These have major impacts on whether your relationships succeeds or not. It also depends on how strong your karmic bond is towards each other (in a positive or negative way).
Sometimes you go to a new place or a new area where you have never been before. Even then you feel that you have been there before and it looks very familiar. This is because there is a connection with this place and your past lives. Same goes with relationships and karmic connections.
Sometimes people go through different relationships without meeting their karmic mates. This is because of negative influence of their planets. Sometimes the same people do not marry and remain single for rest of their lives. To find out about your past lives relationships and karmic mates you should have past life regression and this will highlight how and where you are connected with your karmic mate.