The internet is a great place to meet single Russian women. If you are single, lonely or even jaded from dating local women, chatting to women online can offer you a refreshing alternative. If international dating does appeal, then you should beware of the simple rules for dating Russian women.

What are the rules? Unless you are 17 or been living under a rock you would have figured out by now that women come with a set of dating rules. Someone even put the ideas down on paper a few years ago and sold a book about them. Funnily enough, it was just called The Rules and was on the New York Times Bestseller’s list. This is great if you are dating a woman from New York or Seattle, but Russian women are from… well, Russia.

Sure, that is an obvious statement but have you thought about what it means? Russian women live in a different society with different rules. If you want to start searching profiles of Russian women online, then you should know that the rules of dating you are use to don’t apply. She is simply not like any woman you have dated.

Here are a few new rules to get you started:

How Serious Are You – Virtual dating is nice but real chemistry can only be felt face to face. How soon are you ready to travel and meet her? Your Russian girlfriend is going to be upfront about this and want you to travel to her city and meet her. How long into your relationship will she expect this? Probably as soon as 3 to 6 months. If more than 6 months have gone by and you have not begun to organize a visa, then expect her to think you are not serious and move on.

Age Gaps – Men, you are going to like this one. Date western women and they expect you to be only a few years older them. Some women even prefer younger men. In Russia, things are different – much different. A 10 year age difference between husband and wife is normal. If you are in good shape and can keep up with a younger bride, then 15 years is still reasonable. Think about it… you’re 40 and she is 25. Do you think you can keep up?

Equal Partnership – This rule is a bit of a contradiction. Russian women expect their men to be the head of the household. But they also deserve respect. Russian women expect you to view your marriage as an equal partnership. She is not there to be a trophy wife. Treat her like one and another man will end up polishing it.

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Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women



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