Red Accent Marks – Business Women’s Guide to Fashion
In the business world, women are making their mark when it comes to fashion and style. They are stepping into the boardrooms and heading meetings with a chic and glamorous presences. Professional women are bending the rules and taking fashion risks that are making a profitable return. The color red is just one of the colors that women are using to enhance their everyday look. Red is bright, vibrant, energetic and striking when incorporated to any business ensemble. The color is a symbol of power and boldness while still being considered feminine. This primary color adds a bit of flair without compromise.
Listed below are ways that professional women can incorporate red into their everyday wardrobes for fashion and style success.
Over the Top
Red is such a fun color to use for accessories in the hair as well as jewelry. It can be striking and bring attention to a woman’s face. Red accessories in the hair include headbands, scarves and barrettes. Women can even play with shapes and designs as well as other accent colors along with their red accessories. Red jewelry could include ruby earrings, beaded earrings and necklaces, or glass/crystal designs for a modern and eclectic feel.
Red should not just be restricted to hair accessories and jewelry, women can also wear red lipstick, glosses and blush. Red lipsticks can bring attention to the lips and makes teeth appear whiter and brighter. Red blush can give an instant lift to the cheek bones and create a slimming effect for the face. Red lip gloss can be a little more subtle for a relaxed but still professional look. To get the best effect, women should only one of these make up applications at a time for a good impact.
Red Highlighter
Red is also a fantastic color for highlighting an outfit or ensemble. Women can wear an all black suit and pair it with a red, skinny, shinny belt and red pumps. Or, a woman can wear a black and white suite and match it with a red scarf, red belt and red shoes. Women can wear a red blouse that is silk or has lace trip for a more elegant feel. The red provides a high contrast to the outfit that is bold and not loud. It also serves as a splash of color to a once dull or plain outfit. Women can also wear red purses and tote bags to complete their outfits. These bags can be great for work or for after work events. There are different shades of red to choose from and women should pick brighter reds for daytime and deep tones of reds for evening, social or formal events.
fashion women