Receive Your Healing (Book Review)

This book is about how to receive divine healing. Can God still heal? Yes! Can we live in good and perfect health today? Yes! Our God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Expect your healing as you read.

Here, you will read some incredible testimonies that will instantly increase your faith in God and His unlimited ability and wiliness to intervene even in worst situations. For example, God still cures incurable and terminal diseases. He still raises the dead. Have you read about a man who was raised from death after staying two days in the mortuary? Now, if God can do that, why do you think nothing can be done about that your condition? There are many other incredible testimonies.

There are ten powerful, illuminating chapters in this book: All Things are Possible, Healing is Your Right, Origin of Sickness, Word of God, Name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Power of Faith, Retaining Your Healing.

You will also learn about the roles of prayer, anointing oil, laying of hands, compassion (love), obedience, angels, praise and worship, etc, in our quest to receive and retain our healing. This book is designed for you to receive your healing as you go through it, and it’s very practical. You can also get it from all major book dealers’ sites.

God always wants us be healed, in fact to remain in perfect health. Yes, if we will fulfill His mandate or our destiny in Him, we must be in good health. True! Now, if you doubt this, go and be preaching (I mean real evangelistic work) with ill health, then you will understand what we are talking here. You cannot fully, joyfully fulfill God’s program with permanent ill health.

Now, it is God’s will for you to be healed and Jesus demonstrated this throughout His ministry. You can see this many places in His ministry, but let’s just see this for now:

“Large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the mountainside. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached Jesus. He knelt before him, worshiping, ‘Lord,’ the man said, ‘if you want to, you can make me well again.’

Jesus touched him, ‘I want to,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’ And instantly the leprosy disappeared.”

Matthew 8:1-3

Praise God! Some people think like this man today, ‘God will heal me if He wants’. No sir! God always wants us to be healed. He does not glory or rejoice when we are eating away by diseases. Diseases do not glorify Him. It is His perfect will that you be healed and you are receiving your healing immediately. Look at the above story again. The leper knelt down, worshiping and said, “Jesus, Lord, if you want to… ” And did you notice that Jesus barely allowed him to finish that statement, even as humble as that request looked like. He immediately touch the man and said, “I want to, be healed!”

God’s will is that you come out of that illness now. God’s will is that you serve Him in good, perfect health. As he said to that leper, He is saying to you today, “I will be healed!” Receive it in the mighty name of Jesus!

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