More and more American men are dating Russian women online these days. Dating a Russian woman online can be a great experience with a very happy outcome or it can turn into a complete disaster if a man becomes a victim of common online international dating scams.
If you are new to the online dating community and you have decided you would like to meet russian singles, read on, because this little article might save you some hard earned cash and make your international online dating experience as fantastic as it should be.
The first step is to identify the web site you would like to begin your search and place your profile on. There are multiple sites that offer a great deal of Russian single women ready to date. Once you have created your profile online, explore the site features using the free trial membership. If the russian dating site you have chosen feels right for you, upgrade your membership to gain access to all the communication features available. If you will decide to use free profile, you will be seriously limited, but will have enough access to get a taste.
Russian women who date online are typically not willing to pay upgrade fees for online dating. So you will be expected to foot the minimal cost of the upgrade to initiate conversation with the Russian women you are interested in. After your membership upgrade you are truly ready to jump into the ocean of beautiful single Russian women, who are ready to have true meaningful relationships with guys just like you.
You will quickly become overwhelmed by the amount of Russian dates and new friends you have to chose from, however, beware of the common Russian online dating scams.
The most common scam involves the perpetrator (who might actually be a 200 lb ex-convict from a third country) working to have you “hooked” and make you like the woman on the picture. After about a month of chatting, you will decide that this is the woman you would like to meet in person. Remember from your history lessons that the Russian economy is tough, it will sound very natural to you that a Russian woman you would like to date has no means to travel to see you. Here is where you, being a gentleman, are agree to cover her visa/travel expenses. You may rest assured that in 99% of cases you will never see that woman or your money again. Never send money to anyone you have not met when dating international singles.
I suggest a technique that works perfect against this kind of online dating scam. If you really do want to date a Russian woman, you will have to eventually travel to Russia (it can be fantastically rewarding and would be silly not to). When a Russian woman is asking you to send her money for travel expenses to see you, why not to offer to visit her instead? If she is real, she will most likely agree to host a party, have you meet her family and be very excited. If she is really a Russian dating scam who wants your money, “she” will come up with some excuse.
All in all, dating Russian women online is a very exciting adventure that will bring lots of diversity to your life! Don’t let a dishonest few prevent you from experiencing what can be a life altering exploration into Russian singles international dating.
international dating
Real Russian Women Online – Effective International Dating Tip to Protect Yourself