Has your partner ever given you the silent treatment? Have you given your partner the silent treatment? Is this something that is emotionally healthy?

When you give someone the quite treatment, you are trying to control the situation. You are either mad at your partner or not happy with something he or she did to you and in order to take control of the situation, you decide to use the silent treatment. Now, if you were acting like one of the professional matchmaking experts, you would realize that trying to control your partner like that is not emotionally healthy and does not add to the life of a mature dating relationship, but rather drains life away.

How does the silent treatment drain life away? You are using a negative tactic to get results in the relationship. You are not being mature in your actions and this behavior hurts your partner. If the reverse is true, do you like being given the silent treatment by your partner? I’m sure you do not. You feel that it’s insensitive treatment and disrespectful because that is certainly the truth of the matter. As one of the professional matchmaking experts, you must utilize the golden rule and do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Continue your matchmaking efforts even after you find your perfect match.

As a professional matchmaking expert, how can you handle the situation when your partner does give you the silent treatment? First of all, you need to remain calm. It’s very possible to get angry and annoyed when your partner gives you the silent treatment when you are ready to get to the heart of the issue and discuss your feelings on what is going on in your relationship. Don’t fall into the trap and take the bait. When you get the silent treatment, do your best to walk away and let your partner sit alone in his or her silence, letting your partner know that you are not bothered by this behavior. Of course, you will most likely be bothered by his or her silent treatment; however, you need to not reveal that frustration level. When your partner is giving you the silent treatment, he or she wants to get you frustrated and confuse the issue further, causing tension. It’s all an issue of control and having a silent temper tantrum. You shouldn’t give in to your child that has a temper tantrum, so do the same here and don’t give in to your partner’s silent tantrum. When your partner realizes that he or she cannot control the situation with this silent tantrum, then hopefully he or she will come to some sense of mind and talk the issue through with you.

What should you do when you are tempted to give your partner the quite treatment? As a professional matchmaking expert, you need to figure out if this is behavior that you easily fall into. Recognize your methods of operation and recognize when you are coming close to having such a silent temper tantrum. When you can see that you are coming close to a tantrum, try to remember your self control and count to ten and take a deep breath and focus on the fact that you need to speak to your partner to work through the conflicts you face as a couple and overcome all odds.

Professional Matchmaking – Dealing With the Silent Treatment



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