Many women look for different stores in search of the perfect mother of the bride outfits in the UK. While it is true that as with anything when it comes to shopping, you do need to look around and spend a fair amount of time to find the right gown, it is also worth mentioning that it is always a good idea to plan according to your budget. In this article we will look at four different categories ranging from the most expensive outfits to their cheaper versions in the high street.


Well known all over the world for their selection and prices! When we say Harrods we are also talking luxury and exclusivity. Their designer mother of the bride outfits you will find include Armani, Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren, Paul Smith, Gianni Versace and Caroline Charles. Prices range from around $500 upwards and the well known department store is situated on 87-135 Brompton Road, Knightsbrige, London. Near Harrods you will also find Prada, which also displays different design of mother of the bride outfits.

Harvey Nichols

In Harvey Nichols you will find some of the designers mentioned above plus Amanda Wakeley, Givenchy and Dolce & Gabanna. They have stores in London, Bristol, Dublin, Manchester, Edinburgh, Birghmingham and Leeds. The one in London is next to Harrods so it is worth checking both out on the same day if you have got the time. It can be found at 109 – 125 Knightsbridge London. It is also an expensive choice, but worth looking at for ideas.

House of Fraser

A great option as they specialize in wedding outfits in general. They can also help with wedding lists, gifts honeymoon designs. Prices for mother of the bride outfits range from around $100 upwards which is a lot more affordable. Stores are located all over the country.

Marks & Spencer

A great choice if you are looking for the classic look at very affordable prices but you might find somebody else at the wedding wearing the same outfit. They have stores all over the UK and virtually in every high street.

BHS (British Home Stores)

A fantastic place to find your perfect outfit and also your daughters’ wedding dress. Their designer eveningwear is classic, elegant and modern at the same time. You will be able to accessorize both of the outfits as well with great jewelry, shoes and bags. A real treat.

Other stores that will have lots of different options at very good prices (not as cheap as TK Max, Primark or even Matalan) are Selfridges (at the expensive end of the scale), BHS, Dingles, Fenwicks, Wallis and Evans. A good option in general is to walk along Oxford Street in London (wear comfortable shoes!) as you will be able to find most of these stores.

TK Max and Primark

These are the stores that are taking Great Britain by storm due to the ridiculously low prices. In Primark, for example, you will be able to find an outfit for as low as $5. For around $50 you could do the whole ensemble, shoes, bags, jacket, scarf, jewelry, hat and gloves. Tk Max is renowned for their end of range designer outfits and it is a good option if you are looking for plus size mother of the bride outfits and also accessories.

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Mother of the Bride Outfits – UK Styles, Options and Stores



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