Low Platelet Count – How to Find Out What the Cause of Your ITP is
Do you feel like you’re at your wits end trying to work out just why you have ITP? And are you sick and tired of resorting to all those harmful treatments? Even the thought of spleen removal turns your blood cold. I totally understand. My husband and I felt the same way when our daughter Vivianna was discovered to have an extremely low platelet count and was then diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).
In our desperate quest to find a solution we came upon a naturopath that used a little known testing process with a piece of equipment called the Bio-tracker. The equipment uses EAV testing (Voll’s electro acupuncture), and can be quite effective in finding what triggers that one might have that are causing the inflammation and breakdown in their immune system. Simply by taking a saliva sample and running a comprehensive battery of tests on the dna the doctor is able to arrive at a conclusion as to what the provocations there are for that particular person. There are other EAV testing devices on the market such as the Avatar that are capable of performing similar tests.
One of the problems I have encountered with recommending this testing is the difficulty trying to find natural health practitioners that used this type of EAV testing for diagnosis of what the body is intolerant of.
People from all over the world have asked me just where they can get such testing done. Other than advising them to call every Naturopathic physician in there particular country and asking them if they use any EAV testing equipment, I have been at a loss as to what to tell them. Other than the naturopath here in Georgia, USA, that tested our daughter, I have not been able to locate any other practitioners that could be recommended. It seems to be the world’s best kept secret, but I am not giving up my quest. My own practitioner has stated that she is willing to take on more clients but only if they are from the USA or Canada. With the testing that she performs, it is not necessary to see her in person. She sends a kit and you take samples and send them back to her. Because of the logistics, taking clients from foreign countries is difficult to say the least.
So, during my quest for more knowledge I have uncovered another type of test that can be performed to determine any intolerance that a person may have.
Many people with a low platelet count have already suspected that their ITP just might be triggered by certain foods, etc. Some have already eliminated many universally known trigger foods from their diet such as wheat, dairy, yeast etc. but still are not having any positive improvement in their blood platelet levels. This is where these tests excel, because they can come up with areas in your diet that you think you are eating the healthiest possible foods for you to build up your low platelet count, but in all actuality a simple food such as broccoli or even a potato or an herb might be in fact causing a major intolerance and inflammation.
This testing that I have recently come across is called the ALCAT (Antigen Leucocyte Cellular Antibody test). In my research I have found this testing to be available in many countries and in many cases can even be covered by someone’s insurance depending on the company. This test requires a blood sample that’s analyzed to detect minute changes in the white blood cells in response to more than 150 foods and food additives. The test results not only list the foods and substances that cause the biggest reaction but also the degree of sensitivity.
Between the Bio-tracker system of EAV testing and the ALCAT, it just might be possible to finally get to the bottom of why you have a low platelet count.,
It is certainly worth investigating further. What have you got to lose, your health, your spleen?
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