Making Things Work in Love
By now we know that love has to be worked on to be perfect. However, in its perfection, love does not lack its fair share of imperfections. Despite all that, it is a beautiful thing and those who find it find solace in life. Love conquers much and gives us hope to live yet another day knowing that someone you cherish and are attached to, is in your life through the good and the bad. Nonetheless, love is all about team effort- and as it is said, “it takes two to tango”, so does it take for love to flourish, grow and bear fruits.
But through it all there is need to make sure that you both put an effort towards making things work between you and your partner. Love has to be nurtured for it to grow. Nonetheless, question is, are you ready to go the extra mile to make sure that it actually works out for you? There are several realizations that should come to mind when thinking about your love, your relationship and your future. In this piece, we are going to consider ways you can build your love over time and have that special one falling in love with over and over:
Be ready to partner for life
The main point of going through life with people who you value and love is so that you can tackle and work out life’s challenges together as a team. Therefore, when in love with a person, you need to be ready to let them into your life and let them be partners with you- partners making decisions, solving problems and comforting one another in times of distress. Be there for your love, give a caring shoulder when they are distressed, offer solutions when needed, give a helping hand when required and do all this out of love.
Expect imperfections
It has been emphasized that no one’s perfect in life and in love. We are different people with different ideologies and approaches to life, and the sooner you realize this, the easier it becomes to love the person you have chosen. Do not set to your expectations bar so high that it becomes hard for you to see the good side, aspects and nature of a person that you are attached to. Take your partners imperfections and learn to live with them. If they can be changed, just be by their side and hope that with time they will transform and be better.
Be selfish at times
When it comes to love, there are times that you will need to be selfish. Not always should you submit to the beck and call of your loved one. At times, attachment may lead to casualness where your partner may tend to use love as a catch to use you- not in a bad way in most cases, but just to get things they want done. However, you need to learn to say no at times and have things your own way. There are times you will have to push for your partner to do something they often won’t do; or you just do something that you have wanted to for a while. However, you need to be careful not to hurt the one that you love- therefore, your approach will have to be subtle yet firm.
Don’t let love become a routine
A mistake many people make with their love life is that they let things stagnate or just becomes a routine. For things to stay fresh and your love-life spicy there is need to be unique and avoid doing the same things you have done over and over again- bringing him/her the same gifts, taking him/her to the same restaurant and such. For you to have an active and healthy love life you need to start doing out-of-the-box things that you are not used to. This way you spark new adventures and experiences that will keep the fire of love between the two of you burning.
find life partner
Love: What To Make Of It, Part 5