Living In New York City – A Cultural Melting Pot
New York City is the most exciting city in the world. This is true for many reasons – one reason being the diversity that can be found here. New York is home to all kinds of people, ranging from the rich and famous, to important businessman, to students and recent immigrants. People living in NYC now have come from every continent in the world. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles, New York City is the most densely populated major city in the United States. 36 percent of the people living in the city are foreign-born and City hall has translators for 150 different languages.
New York City has been known as a melting pot of culture since the early 1900s and as this has continued through the present day, the city has become rich with different cultures. Just walking around the streets of the city can be like walking around the halls of a cultural museum. In fact, it might even be better since you’re actually a part of the diversity and culture. If you are looking to experience a culture other than your own, you probably won’t have to walk more than a few blocks outside of your door.
You can easily experience many aspects of different cultures by going to the different ethnic neighborhoods that exist throughout the city. For example, if you could just never afford that trip to China that you’ve always dreamed of, when living in New York City you can hop on a subway to Canal Street and be in Chinatown for just a few dollars. Of course it’s not the same as actually being in China, but you can experience some of the culture and maybe grab some authentic Chinese food for dinner. The same holds true for other ethnic neighborhoods such as Little Italy and Spanish Harlem.
There are also many annual cultural events in the city that can be found throughout the year. In September, there is the San Gennaro festival in Little Italy. This festival is usually in the last two weeks of September and is characterized by parades, street vendors, and lots of food at the local Italian restaurants. In February, there is a celebration of the Chinese New Year in Chinatown. This celebration lasts for ten days and includes parades featuring the dragon and authentic Chinese costumes. In March, there is the St. Patrick’s Day parade down Fifth Avenue, and in June, Fifth Avenue is reserved for the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Whatever culture you are looking to experience, you can find an event for it somewhere in the city.
If the idea of traveling to different ethnic neighborhoods and attending cultural events seems a little overwhelming, you can always experience the culture of New York City by people watching from your own neighborhood. It is always fun to spend a nice day sitting in a park or outdoor restaurant and watching the people that walk by. New York is so diverse that you are bound to see culture right in front of you.
Whether you are excited to visit all the ethnic neighborhoods throughout the city or just want to experience the diversity as you walk around the streets, New York City is the place for you. All the culture and diversity that anyone could want can be found in NYC.
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