Learning the Art of Makeup With MAC Cosmetics Training Guides
You may or may not be familiar with the MAC Cosmetics company. They are a pretty popular makeup firm that has stores all around the world. The next time you go to the mall you’ll probably see MAC makeup artists applying their skills and beautifying their customers.
Learning how to do the same thing takes a lot of practice but the art of makeup can be perfected. One of the first things you should get your hands on is the MAC Pro Cosmetic Training Manual. You can find this online at pretty cheap prices from different sellers. It’s basically a historical compilation of the many MAC training manuals as well as eye color guides, style guides, how-tos, videos, and other goodies that will help any budding makeup artist. I think if you buy it directly from the company its going to cost you a pretty penny but there are sellers out there that are sending.pdf and online versions at a fraction of the price.
The nice thing about the manuals is you won’t be getting up early in the morning for a class or paying costly tuition, you can learn from the privacy of your own home. However, on the same token you’ll be missing the “hands on” action that a professional class provides. My best advice is to get your feet wet with the online manuals and see if you really want to stick with a profession like this, because as fun as it looks it’s really hard work!
makeup kit