Sex – a billion dollar industry. The average amount of time spent viewing porn online is one hour and a half per week. Yet not that many people are actually having sex. What about you? How is your love life? Find out if you and your partner are up to par.

Many married couples admit to having sex only a couple of times per month. The average time spent having sex is about thirty-three minutes per session from start to finish. Compare that with the amount of time spent per week watching television, which is approximately five hours per day.

It’s sad that one of the greatest gifts we are blessed with is given such little recognition. Sexual intercourse provides so many health benefits, that it’s crazy to deny ourselves this pleasure.

The next time you think you are too busy for sex, you might want to consider what this little bit of indulgence can do for you, not only today but later in life you will reap benefits from having a healthy and vigorous sex life.

Sex does all these things and more:

1. Reduces stress and lowers blood pressure

2. Boosts your immune system by helping your body to produce an antibody called immunoglobulin A

3. Burns calories – about 85 per 30 minutes

4. Improves cardiovascular health and helps to reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack

5. Brings you and your partner closer. It’s difficult to stay mad at someone if you are being frequently intimate. There is scientific proof that increased physical contact such as lovemaking and hugging cause our bodies to produce a hormone called oxytocin. This enhances our urges to nurture and bond. Sounds like emotions fueling hormones that in turn stimulate emotions!

6. Reduces pain by raising those oxytocin levels, your body will produce more endorphins to ease your pain and promote happiness.

7. Women, who learn to do Kegel exercises during sex, can significantly strengthen their pelvic floor muscles for better control. The added benefit here is that with a stronger pelvic floor you can actually minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.

8. Sleep better – with raised levels of oxytocin, you’ll fall asleep quicker and rest more soundly.

So the next time your partner nudges you or has that twinkle in his eye, go ahead…indulge. You’ll be treating yourself to a full list of benefits and pleasures not to mention how happy this will make your man.

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Is Your Sex Life Up to Par?

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