If you’ve been on a computer much you are likely aware of how easy it is to chat with others online. Many women have found support after giving birth with other moms online. Men can find solace when their favorite sports team loses by consoling one another on football or soccer forums online. However, there’s another kind of communication online that can lead to serious problems. If you are a woman whose husband is chatting online with other women you may begin to wonder where the line is drawn between being friendly and being romantic.
Flirting is something that many people naturally do whether they are single or not. Flirting is often viewed as being harmless and innocent as long as it remains strictly flirting. When you have a husband chatting online you are obviously going to wonder from time-to-time who he is talking to and exactly what they are talking about. There are a few things you can do to gain more insight into your husband’s online escapades.
When someone is chatting online quite often they’ll become completely immersed in that conversation. Even though it’s only typing it’s easy to get lost in what the other person is expressing. If you are in the same room with your husband chatting online ask him who he’s talking to. Pay close attention to his answer. If he’s forthcoming and shares details about his chat partner as well as the conversation, you can usually put your fears to rest. If he shrugs it off as being nothing or says he’s talking to no one that may mean he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing those details with you.
The amount of time that he’s devoting to chatting can also be telling. If it becomes almost impossible to tear him away from his computer, there’s likely a good reason for that. The person he’s spending time with is captivating to him. He doesn’t want the encounter to end so you may notice him rushing back to his computer at regular intervals or checking his email or instant messages on his PDA. If your notice your husband chatting online obsessively, this isn’t a good sign.
Try and persuade him to spend less time at the keyboard and more time with you. If your husband is chatting on the Internet to a bunch of other men about classic cars, he’ll drop them in a heartbeat to spend some alone time with his wife. If he comes up with countless excuses for why he needs to be at his computer, chances are that the person he is chatting with is a female and someone he’s attracted to.
It can be difficult to understand the appeal of chatting with someone online if you’ve never done it. Many wives simply don’t see why their husbands are doing it. They instead feel hurt and betrayed. Instead try and see your husband’s desire to chat online as a sign that something is missing from your relationship with him. Many marriages are actually richer and more stable once both parties realize what they have right in front of them. If you suspect your husband is talking with other women online, consider why that is and what you can do to get the focus back on you.
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Is Your Husband Chatting Online? When to Be Concerned