It's not easy to ask a girl out and if you find a girl who is from the same country where you are from, you want to make sure you act right! What would you do if you met a beautiful Armenian girl and you want to ask her out? It's not easy asking a girl out.

There's an Armenian girl you know and you like her a lot! You like her so much you want to ask her out, but you find out she has a boyfriend! So you don't ask her out. Then, things start getting a lot better for you because you hear that she broke up with her boyfriend. Your friends keep telling you that you should go talk to her. They tell you what a good idea it is but you think it's not, You never ask her out. You feel bad but you never know what might have happened. Could you ask her out?

It is not easy to know if you should go for it or just wait and see if you two might just get together by luck. Should the right decision be to go ahead and ask or just wait it out?

In the words of the Nike shoe brand, – just do it. It's Okay if it hurts, it only hurts a little! But, who ever got lethally hurt from a broken heart? Who cares if she says no? It may hurt, yes, but the experience will definitely make you stronger.

The reason it's not important if she rejects you or not is that if you never ask, you will never know. What if she says yes. That feeling is so good! And you would never have known this if you never asked at all. So should you? Of course you should.

Seriously, The number one worst feeling in the world is rejection. If you want to become successful then you have to learn to not take it personally. This life principle is actually very simple. Sometimes, we need a little drama in our life!

So what if the girl you asked out says no. That's her loss. You're a great guy! You're reading this so you must care about doing things correctly! You take the time to learn all the secrets about doing what you do! If the girl you asked out says no. Accept it and move on. "There are a lot of fish in the sea", as the saying goes. This is a whole lot better than not knowing at all.

The number one satisfaction for anyone is acceptance. It's really good for the ego! The ego is something that, when paid too much attention to, could be a bit distracting and self-defeating. There will always be right and wrong. There will always be good feelings and bad feelings! The only thing that really matters is how it makes you feel.

Asking someone out could be extremely difficult. It is not easy. But asking someone out is only scary if you have your sights set on yourself and only if you're afraid to fail.
Failure and rejection are not easy. But the most satisfying part in this process is your strong ability to move on, despite the rejection.

Relax. Usually, the only reason why you are nervous in the first place is because you feel that here are no other options, but there are! The only thing you can think about is how much in love with this woman you are right now. You cannot believe that any other woman in the world could be as worthy to be with you. You might be thinking to yourself that if you get rejected by this girl then that will be the end of the world! Relax, there are other options.

The solution for this problem is simple, go out and find someone else. One girl puts too much pressure on you to get her to say yes. Go ask another girl, that you like, and not just someone who is handing out her number for everyone to see. So if the first girl you meet does not go well then move on. Don't sweat the small stuff. Time is more precious than wasting it on regret.

Another fun solution and a great reliever of tension is to go out and ask a girl out with the expectations that she is going to turn you down. This way you won't feel like it's a personal assault on you! It's a good exercise. This helps you not really care about the result and it allows you to be more relaxed when you ask her out! You are more free and accepting of whatever life brings you. The pressure you put on yourself will seem like a lot less. It's better to have a stress-free life!

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