We all face lots of goals to be achieved in the course of our lives, some of them are minor, others lead us to the new goals which eventually change our life styles, social circle and even us. Every generation has put up new goals, in the course of tragical and exciting 20th century entire nations changed the face of the Planet willing to achieve their strategical goals. some succeeded, others failed.

Two great poles of the world have started a crazy run which could have ended in a thermonuclear conflict and total annihilation of our Planet! This sounds wild, but it’s true, we were then close to destroying the entire world! Nevertheless life of “simple” people went on, growing up knowing that there is an evil power out there over the ocean isn’t an exclusively American thing! So by the time the USSR has finally seized to exist there was a whole lot of suspicion and distrust between those two camps.

The suspicion caused exclusively by the propaganda and not really normal people.You wouldn’t believe how much kids and young adults here loved movies that were coming from the US and could only be seen in pirate copies with really funny translation, images of Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claud Van Damme and other actors from the US were more recognized by the people here than the members of Ukrainian Government and of course way more popular than them! America seemed so unreal!

When the first agencies who offered matchmaking between men from the West and Ukrainian women started to appear in Kharkov their business model was more concentrated on charging the local women for posting their pictures on the catalogues, translations of the letters, arranging the meetings etc, their services were expensive and naturally this kept away an entire niche of single and nice looking women who simply couldn’t afford paying the agencies. We though we would change this policy and make all the services free for the ladies. This approach has not just proved to be efficient and fair, but also allowed an entire niche of the ladies try and look for their soul mates abroad.

A lot has changed since the end of the 90-ies, hundreds of agencies have appeared and then vanished due to lack of management and marketing skills. The other big issue in the field of dating agencies in the FSU became the attempts of certain business to act unethically, but as we see now most of such agencies are being closed now, as neither men nor women want to be a part of their schemes.

Those agencies which can constantly attract new unique ladies (those who are not involved in other agencies yet) will be attracting more male clients in future. Those who depend on the “sharered” bases of pictures and bio profiles will be looking the clientel in the long run.

international dating
International Dating Agencies in Kharkov & Ukraine – How Did it Start and Where is it Going?



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