Hydrotherapy In Cholesterol Management
There are three things that the human body needs the most; oxygen, food and water. In this case, water is a universal solvent that cleanses and heals the inside and the outside of the body. In these days human beings are no longer free from infectivity, and the most contaminated matter that could pollute the system comes from the kind of food we eat. In these contemporary times, one can never be too careful with what we eat or drink. Due to the generally slow metabolism of the modern human body, it becomes too fragile from its own internal flaws such as high cholesterol and accumulation of saturated fats.
However, water is among the most important basic element that would provide solution for those having problems with their cholesterol levels. Drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day would improve the circulatory system, excretory system and digestive system. If a person lacks water intake, cholesterol and fat has the tendency to solidify and at some extent clog the pores from which sweat is released from the skin. Saturated fat also tends to congest the villi of the small intestine, disabling the optimum absorption of nutrients. Obviously all system would slow down if there is no proper hydration because it could also affect the circulatory system, with high cholesterol coagulating in the blood stream. Water therapy could correct these deficiencies. The more water a person drinks, the better his or her body’s system functions.
But hydrotherapy is not only limited solely on drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day. After all, water is capable of cleansing not only the internal areas of the body, also the external parts. Hygiene can be a therapeutic, if one would talk about this practice called hip bath.
Hip bath is a kind of body cleansing and relaxation that involves submerging merely the buttocks and the hips of the person. Unlike bath tub, it does not involve washing the entire legs. A bather would sit upright on a tub-like chair filled with water, his or her legs partially suspended. This practice dates back as early as the ancient times, from the Ayuverdic (ancient Indian medicine) tradition. It has become very popular in the Western world when initially adopted by the British of the Victorian Era. The benefits of hip bath are in some point exactly similar to drinking water. It promotes good circulation and stimulates the digestive tract. This could be a good alternative if the prospect of bloating is truly undesirable.
Hydrotherapy would also include steam bath. Steam bath is a common practice in East Asian nations like China, Japan and Korea and the Scandinavian countries, who; found a way to avoid dehydration in a hostile winter environment. Unless water is heated, people living in extremely cold regions seems constantly inhibited from the natural urge of thirst. Steam bath involves entering a steaming chamber that induces sweating. It may not be safe for pregnant women, hypertensive people and those with respiratory problems. Sweating therefore regulates the natural hydration system commonly stunted in extremely cold areas. In the indigenous communities of Native Americans and other aborigines in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, steam bath is a ritualized healing. Nonetheless, it promotes good circulation, which in turn, improves the excretory and digestive responses.
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