Tinder has changed how online dating by taking the hassle out of using a desktop to mobile devices that can be used anywhere. It’s great for reaching out to people in your area. The great thing about Tinder is that it’s quick. You download the app, upload some pictures then get to swiping. Unfortunately not everyone is as successful as others. Sometimes its an easy fix, while other times it’s almost impossible.
When I started using Tinder I was a bit reluctant. Most people used it to find people to hook up with. This actually hurt my chances of getting a match. The girls I matched expected me to harass them until they agreed on a date. Knowing that I always tried to show my personality early on.
I’m not the funniest guy, best looking or muscular. This is what most guys think will get them a match. Believe me it isn’t true. To start getting matches you have to first realize that every person who looks at your profile picture is a possible match. All you have to do is present yourself accordingly and the rest will follow.
Be confident in who you are and follow these 7 tips to improve your odds of getting the most matches.
1. Make your profile picture interesting
Your profile picture should stand out. Take it in an interesting environment. Maybe you went hiking, or you were on boat or you were at a party somewhere. Your environment will make your photo stand out so use it to your advantage.
2. Your first photo shouldn’t be a group photo
This is so frustrating because when someone sees your photo they have to guess which person you are. This frustration turns into disinterest when they see the person they wanted you to be is actually the friend you were standing next to.
3. Include things that you like to do
A picture is worth a thousand words right? The same goes for your choice of photos. Instead of typing about your favorite hobbies, include a photo of that one time you went to the Netherlands.
4. Add a bit of personality
No one likes a plain jane, especially on Tinder. After scrolling through hundreds of photos its always nice to find someone different. Your personality is what will make you different.
5. Message them first and quickly
Once you match with someone, respond to them as soon as you can. It won’t seem desperate. It will be a confidence move.
6. Try out creative pick up lines
As corny as people think pick up lines are, the users of Tinder look hearing creative pick up lines. Come up with a few good ones and use them to start a conversation. Don’t rely on them though. Sometimes your match won’t get the pick up lines.
7. If someone doesn’t respond to your messages don’t worry about it
The amazing thing about Tinder is that for the most part you’re just testing the waters. Nothing is ever set in stone. You could match with 100 people, message all of them but never meet them. There are plenty of people who do that.
Good luck with the dating scene. Not everyone is meant to use Tinder. I tried it but after a while I decided to go the old-fashioned route. It fits my personality a bit better. Maybe the old-fashioned way would work for you.
match dating
How to Get More Matches on Tinder