How To Dominate Your Wife And Satisfy Her In the Bedroom

Women love a dominant man. That is something a lot of men aren’t aware of.

Sexually women are programmed to be attracted to dominant men, it’s their natural instinct that takes over.

Women like:

-Being told what to do sexually.

(Say “Take off your clothes”)

-Being picked up and moved around the bedroom.

(If you want to move her, then move her.)

-Being spanked.

(Just do it lightly, but you’ll be surprised how much they love this.)

-Having their hair pulled.

(Try it and see.)

Think about it, if you were leader of the pack would you ASK a woman to have sex with you? No, you would just have sex with her. If you’re the boss man, then you just take what you want. Women know this and that is what attracts them to this sort of behaviour. They know that a man who takes what he wants will go far in life and will likely have good genes to pass on. (They know this subconciously of course, out loud they might say they want a sensitive man.

Either way, this sort of behaviour really turns a woman on.

Ordering her to get naked, for example, is really hot. For you as well as for her. Say to her:

“Take off your clothes and lie on the bed.”

If she doesn’t respond well, don’t stress out. The point isn’t to be a bully. Maybe just ignore her for a bit or let it go. Then come back to it another time and say it again. But never whine or apologise. Just be dominant. Women love to please men. They love seeing their man’s face as he orgasms inside her, just as you love to please her. But the way you please her is very different from how she pleases you. You please her by being the boss man, the top dog, and telling her what to do. She pleases you in the most obvious way by following your orders and accepting your influence.

Deep down most women want to be submissive to a powerful man, especially in the bedroom. They don’t want to have to be in control, they want you to be in control. Don’t go to crazy the first time you try this though, don’t go to far. Always keep love and respect for your woman at the forefront of your mind.

Remember that women get turned on by your manliness.

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