The emotional pain caused by the sudden loss of a spouse is more agonizing than physical trauma. One that has lost their husband or wife recently will be able to better relate with the feelings of anger, desolation and sadness. Often in such moments a close friend or relative will advise you to move on; to fill in the voids caused by the death of a long-term partner.
We truly understand it’s not that easy a decision to make. It is difficult to embark on a new journey while many memories of your past relationship are still fresh in your mind. Not only this, your age might seem like the biggest barrier when it comes to dating again. However, the loneliness that accompanies widowhood is the most challenging to deal with.
We’ll help you put your life back together and start dating at 50, after the loss of a loved one.
1. Take Time
Getting accustomed to a life without a person you’ve spent years with will take time. Hence, we would advise you to take as much time as you need to recover from your grief. In doing so, you will do justice to yourself and your future partner. There is no fixed waiting time as each person copes differently.
2. Step out:
Once you’re mentally and physically prepared, it’s time to get back into the dating pool. You should consider the available options. Local clubs and organizations for widows-widowers serve as a good place to start meeting new friends and building relationships. Attend social gatherings organized by friends and family. You might meet someone who fits the bill for you.
3. Try your luck with Online Dating:
The internet has widened the scope of dating for senior members. Many dating and relationship websites are dedicated to senior members – singles, divorcees, widows and widowers. You can register at these sites not only to find a suitable partner but also to take a handful of friends. Register at a reliable site and build an attractive profile.
4. Don’t look for a duplicate relationship:
A common mistake most widowed individuals make when they start dating again is looking for a new relationship that mirrors that of their past. One often searches for a partner with the same qualities and habits as their deceased spouse. It is not only difficult, but next to impossible to find a relationship or a partner that matches the one you just lost. Acknowledge this fact and it will be easier to discover and accept new people in your life.
5. Tweak your appearance:
A new look will give you greater success when you start dating after 50. Get a new haircut. Buy some new clothing. First and foremost, do this to make ‘you’ feel great. By taking an interest and caring for yourself, others are more likely to warm to you too.
6. Have a good time:
It may be years since you last dated. Do not rush into things. Keep your relationship on a friendship level until you are absolutely sure about the person. Meet up on a few occasions. A lunch date or a dinner date or simply a cup of coffee can help further your relationship.
Very few people get a second chance in life. If you’re a lucky one, grab it and enjoy life to the fullest.
find life partner
How Can Widowed Individuals Find Love And Companionship After 50