Having Candidiasis All My Life – Severe Mastoiditis, Skinny, Cradle Cap and Colic All the Time
Someone I know is post-menopausal and she believes that she had had candidaisis all of her life. As a small baby, penicillin was brand new, and she was a very sickly baby with ear, kidney, throat, and other infections. Hospitalized for more severe mastoiditis, tonsils removed at 4 years old, etc. She had cradle cap and colic all the time, was slow to develop motor skills, and with skinny condition all her life.
She did not score particularly high on the long test, but she believes her immune system has been compromised for so long, she wouldn’t know health.
She has been on the Attogram program (Caprylic acid, psyllium, bentonite, probiotics, and diet) for about 1 month now. She has experienced only mild headaches as evidence of die off. But, if she had any doubt she was on the right track, it was gone when she indulged in sweets on week 2. She had decided the cure was worse than the disease. Her symptoms came back with a vengeance. Now, she is convinced she will be fighting this for a very long time.
She had been low-carbing (Atkins) immediately before going on this program. She lost a bit, but it came to a halt. It was the Atkins book that sent her to investigate the possibility that she was a candida sufferer. When she read the symptoms, it was like her own personal case history.
A couple of things in her favor: as an adult, she staunchly refused antibiotics for any except the most extreme condition, and then I was careful to try and reintroduce the probiotics. She has always forced herself to exercise. She felt a little better when she did, but it was a huge test of will.
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